Athletics: Decathlete Makenson Gletty did not hear the shot at the European Athletics Championships – got off hopelessly late

He remained in the starting block and finally decided to run, flapping his hands and pointing to his ear to show that he had not heard the shot. He had the track closest to the audience, which is most disturbing.

Crying, he then tried to explain what had happened.

Athletics EC

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  • – He can’t hear and you might be able to find mitigating circumstances if you test the sound from his track. That’s cool, especially with the first day he had. You don’t want it to be decided this way, even if there is personal responsibility, says SVT Sports expert Alhaji Jeng.

    Gletty then ran to the finish in 15.30 – to compare with a personal best of 13.94. And had dropped to fourth place.

    Finley Gaio, Switzerland, won the heat in 14.04.

    Gletty lost around 150 points on the fade ace.
