Ovulation on the pill: symptoms, period, cycle

Ovulation on the pill symptoms period cycle

Generally, a woman on the pill does not ovulate. However, micro-progestin pills taken continuously do not always prevent ovulation, and misuse of the pill can lead to pregnancy.

Do you still ovulate when you take the pill?

The pill is one of the oral contraceptives most used by women in France. There are two types of birth control pills: the combined pillcomposed of estrogen and progesterone and the progestin pill consisting of progestin.. “Pills containing estrogen and progestin taken regularly block ovulation” informs Dr Elisabeth Paganelli, gynecologist. The combined pills have three modes of action: block ovulationmodify the endometrium to make it less welcoming for implantation and thicken cervical mucus to prevent sperm from passing through the cervix. A woman who takes a pill, especially a combined pill, does not ovulate and does not have a true menstrual cycle. Bleeding that occurs between two pill packs is artificial bleeding. “Periods on the pill are linked to the desquamation of the endometrium of the uterus due to cessation of hormones” specifies the gynecologist.

Can you ovulate with a continuous pill?

Micro progestogen pills taken continuously (non-sequential) do not always prevent ovulation. Contraception is ensured by the modification of the mucus and the endometrium” indicates Dr. Elisabeth Paganelli. As these pills do not always prevent ovulation, It is important to take the tablets regularly according to the instructions.Ovulation is not a problem. The whole system means that there can be no fertilization and implantation (coagulated mucus, endometrium which prevents implantation). If the pill is forgotten and the mucus is no longer coagulated, then if there is ovulation there may be fertilization, explains Dr Elisabeth Paganelli. This also applies to other pills. If a woman takes 9 days off instead of 7 with a 21-day pill, the cycle will be able to unblock and the woman will ovulate later than the day she forgot her pill.“.

What are the symptoms of ovulation when taking the pill?

On the micro progestin pill, it is difficult to know if a woman is ovulating. This should be considered if the woman experiences cyclical side pain and has regular monthly periods, but these signs may not exist” explains Dr. Elisabeth Paganelli.

“The date of ovulation depends on the woman’s cycle”, informs Dr. Elisabeth Paganelli. To calculate the date of ovulation, you must remove at least 14 days from the entire menstrual cycle. For example, if the cycles last 28 days, ovulation takes place around the 12th day of the cycle, if they last 34 days, the ovulation takes place around the 18th or 20th day of the cycle….

Thanks to Dr Elisabeth Paganelli, medical gynecologist, General Secretary of the National Union of Gynecologists and Obstetricians of France (SYNGOF).
