Organ transplant: every day 2 or 3 people on the waiting list will not find a transplant

Organ transplant every day 2 or 3 people on the

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    Organ transplants increased slightly in 2022. But the figures remain significantly lower than those known before Covid-19.

    If 5,494 transplants took place in 2022, more than twice as many patients are waiting for a transplant. Because even if the figures for transplants are on the rise, the list of patients awaiting transplants continues to grow.

    + 4% transplants in 2022

    If recent years have been marked by strong hospital tensions (pandemic, hospital crisis, triple epidemic, etc.), the year 2022 seems to be experiencing a slight rebound in activity (5,494 transplants were performed compared to 5,276 in 2021, i.e. a increase of 4%), according to the Biomedicine Agency.

    The 2022 figures are good, and it is all the more good news that we are going through a deep hospital crisis“, summed up in a press conference Marine Jeantet, the new director general of the Biomedicine Agency.

    In 2022, 5,494 transplants were performed for the benefit of waiting patients.

    The objectives set by the Registry Plan will not be achieved

    Despite these positive results, health authorities remain cautious.

    However, the Agency remains cautious, all the efforts made by health professionals, patient associations, hospital administrations, health authorities and learned societies will not make it possible to achieve the objectives set by the Transplant Plan and related to expectations. patients, if the hospital situation does not improve“, emphasizes Professor François Kerbaul, director of organ and tissue harvesting and transplantation at the Biomedicine Agency.

    This does not prevent 10,810 patients from still being “on the active waiting list” (therefore immediately eligible for an organ transplant) on January 1, 2023.

    A refusal rate that remains too high

    And every day, the delay accumulates: 21 new people register on the waiting list.

    Increased activity does not fully meet the needs of all patients. Every day there are two or three people who register on the waiting list and will not find a transplant“, concludes, not without concern, the medical and scientific director of the Biomedicine Agency, Michel Tsimaratos.

    One of the reasons that could explain this lack of donors is the high refusal rate: it represents a third (33%) of the situations where a transplant could take place.
