Lollobrigida case, Trenitalia: extraordinary stop is part of the dynamics of railway operations

FS passante AV di Firenze iniziato lo scavo della fresa

(Finance) – “The carrying out of a stop extraordinary it is not an exceptional event and is part of the dynamics of railway operations. In the last six months, in the Frecce services, there have been 207 cases of extraordinary stops due to coincidence/rerouting of customers resulting from management of anomalies or disrupted traffic. Extraordinary stops are evaluated based on the arrival times at the first useful service location and in relation to the stop for commercial service”. Thus, in a note, Ferrovie dello Stato clarified its position regarding the affair involving the Minister of Agriculture, Francis Lollobrigida.

“Nelle general conditions of transportin accordance with European regulation 782 of 2021 – added FS -, it is indicated that, in the event that arrival at the final destination is expected to be delayed by more than 60 minutes, if the journey is no longer useful for the purposes of the program originating from the journey, the passenger has the right to return to the point of departure or to another intermediate location of his choice”.

“When there are details needs such as, for example, emergencies, public order, etc., this request is assessed on a case-by-case basis and, in relation to the possible impacts on circulation and on passengers, permission to proceed is given or not. Furthermore, in this specific case, the circumstance of making an extraordinary stop at the station Ciampino was communicated to all passengers on board the train via an audio announcement. The train had been diverted to the Rome Naples via Cassino line due to problems on the AV line. After leaving he was stopped at Casilina together with other trains for approximately 27 minutes due to slowdowns on the line due to a train goods. At this point the Trenitalia operations room requested the RFI Traffic Coordination Center to make an extraordinary stop at the next Ciampino station, at which the train was located”, concludes Ferrovie dello Stato.
