The interest rate discount is growing – a better time to negotiate the mortgage

Economic feelings of spring have taken hold of mortgage borrowers. Hope is now alive that interest rates will fall, many hope that the Riksbank will lower the key interest rate as early as Wednesday, May 8.

The share of variable mortgages has increased by SEK 260 billion in six months, so that in February they made up 62 percent of total mortgages. An increase from 56 percent during the period, according to Statistics Sweden.

A form of loan that places more demands on the borrower.

– Financially, it can be good to choose flexible, but it creates uncertainty about what you will have to pay, says Moa Langemark, who is a consumer protection economist at the Financial Supervisory Authority, to SVT.

Fixed mortgages also make it more expensive to switch banks. Therefore, many have wanted to see a reduction in the fee the banks take to resolve a tied loan. The so-called interest differential compensation.

Negotiate for a lower interest rate

– Many households choose not to change banks and here the interest rate difference compensation is an additional obstacle, says Moa Langemark.

But for those who can negotiate with the bank, it has become easier to get the interest rate down year after year, shows new figures from the Financial Supervisory Authority that SVT has seen.

The interest rate discount (ie the difference to the list rate) that the mortgage customers negotiate for has now increased to just over 0.8 percentage points. That figure applies to both variable and fixed loans.

See the tips on how to negotiate to lower the interest rate in the video above.
