Intred, Egon Zanagnolo new DG after Federico Protto’s departure

Intred Egon Zanagnolo new DG after Federico Prottos departure

(Finance) – Intreda telecommunications operator listed on Euronext Growth Milan, announced the appointment of Egon Zanagnolo as general director who, starting from 28 March 2024, succeeds Federico Protto. The resignation of Protto – who was also due to take on the position of CEO with the approval of the 2023 budget by the assembly – came last week to accept the appointment as CEO of Cellnex Italia.
Zanagnolo, 48 years old, boasts one long experience in the TLC and Intred sector where he joined over 25 years ago. At Intred he mainly dealt with commercial activities, with increasing roles, becoming head of the division in 2011 and sales and marketing director from 2020. Furthermore, over the last few years he has collaborated closely with CEO Daniele Peli in the development of policies sales and marketing, supervising relationships with customers.

“I am pleased to announce the appointment of Egon Zanagnolo as the new general director of the company – commented the co-founder and CEO Daniele Peli – I place full trust in him, trust earned in the field in these 25 years of experience in Intred. His long experience in the TLC sector and his commercial skills will certainly contribute to the growth of the company in the coming years. Egon will also be busy at continue and develop the managerialization path startedwhich we believe will allow us to lay the foundations for the future Intred, a dynamic company capable of seizing all the opportunities that the market will be able to offer, in the wake of the successes achieved in recent years”.
