Hot black liquor leaks from mill – “90 degrees”

Hot black liquor leaks from mill 90 degrees



full screen There is a large leak of black liquor in the Billingsfors mill. Police, emergency services and ambulance are on site. Archive image. Photo: Johan Nilsson/TT

A tank with black liquor is leaking at Billingsfors mill in Bengtsfors municipality. The leak risks flowing into the nearby Laxsjön.

The rescue service’s chemical divers have tried several times to go in to stop the leak, but without success.

– It’s too hot and the divers have to turn around. It is around 90 degrees and very large flows, around one cubic meter per minute that leaks, says Nicole Chabo, team leader at SOS Alarm.

There is still no forecast for when the leak may be stopped. The alarm came in at 19.43 on Monday.

– It seems to be unclear how to solve it, they are working on getting more water in, says Nicole Chabo.

Police, ambulance and emergency services are on site. The matter is classified as a workplace accident.

Black liquor is a by-product in the manufacture of paper pulp.
