What is nanotechnology and where is it used? What are nanotechnological products?

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One of the terms frequently encountered with developing technology is nanotechnology. This concept is used in daily life, on the internet, in movies, etc. It is encountered by many people in different areas. Fundamentally, nanotechnology is one of the most far-reaching innovations in technology. There are also branches of science gathered under the umbrella of nanotechnology. These; These are earth science, organic chemistry, molecular biology, semiconductor physics and microfabrication.

When asked what nanotechnology means; All engineering and technology studies carried out at sizes varying between 1 and 100 nanometers are called nanotechnology.

Nanotechnology is a field where studies are carried out at sizes too small to be analyzed with the units of measurement in daily life. For this reason, a unit of measurement called nanometer is used in the field. This unit of measurement is used to describe specified ratios such as millimeters or centimeters. The control of substances at molecular, supramolecular and atomic scales is called nanotechnology. It refers to the specific purpose of arranging atoms and molecules for the production of macroscale products. This explanation is known as the oldest and known definition of nanotechnology, which is today called molecular nanotechnology.

What does nanotechnology do?

Nanotechnology makes wide-ranging innovations in the areas where it is used. In material production, nanotechnology studies are carried out in many areas such as physics, chemistry, biology, electronics, magnetics, optics and mechanics. These studies enable ahead-of-the-art innovations in the field of medicine. Nowadays, when the term nanotechnology is encountered, the first thing that comes to mind is mobile technologies. The use of new generation nano parts is quite common in smartphones, laptops and computers used by almost everyone.

When asked where nanotechnology is used; This area is used in the development of smaller and lighter parts in materials and production. Nanotechnology also plays a major role in improving treatment and diagnostic tools in the field of healthcare. Speaking of the medical field, nanotechnology studies are also used in the fields of pharmacy and medicine.

What are nanotechnological products?

In answer to the question of where nanotechnology is used in daily life, the following examples can be given for nanotechnology products:

  • Computer
  • Tablet
  • Glasses
  • phone screens
  • camera lenses
  • Products that do not retain dust or water on glass surfaces, are anti-reflective and have self-cleaning properties
  • Ultraviolet protected and vapor repellent products
  • Durable products that eliminate the scratching problem are among the examples of nanotechnology.

In nanotechnology studies, technologies have been developed to save fuel for cars, trains, trucks, ships, airplanes and all other vehicles. In short, the answer to the question of where nanotechnology is used is as follows:

  • food industry
  • Medicine
  • Electronic
  • Textile
  • Car
  • Energy
  • Space science

What is the main purpose of nanotechnology?

Nanotechnology has numerous benefits over today’s technology. These generally occur in the analysis of nanometer-sized parts. After the analysis, the physical states of the nanometer structures are understood. Another purpose is to ensure that different and superior materials are obtained in the manufacturing stages. It aims to use less material and energy to address the energy and material problems of our age. It achieves this goal with more durable, strong and lightweight materials.
