Here the rat runs free inside the 7-Eleven – taking candy and bars

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In a clip that has gone viral on Tiktok, a rat can be seen running around a 7-Eleven in central Stockholm.

At the beginning of the clip, the rat is seen running across the floor with what looks like some kind of candy bar in its mouth. It then runs back to the shelf two more times and picks up two Wasa sandwiches.

The clip has been up for five days, and at the time of writing has over 770,000 views on Tiktok.

7-Eleven’s response to the incident: “Unfortunately, rats are everywhere”

According to 7-Eleven’s marketing manager Lennart Schultz you do what you can to prevent the animals from getting into the shops, but that “rats are unfortunately everywhere in big cities”.

– We do what we can to prevent them from entering the stores and have routines for what to do if it does happen. But just like all other stores in big cities, we cannot guarantee that such events will never happen, he says News24.

When asked if they were able to ensure that the rat did not touch more food than is seen in the clip, Lennart Schultz replies that they engaged a pest control company that works in the store.

As a safety measure, the store in question is temporarily closed.

“I was chocked”

Nyheter24 has been in contact with Harry Holm who caught the incident on film on the night between Friday and Saturday. He says that the whole thing was mostly a fun thing, but that he was surprised by the rat’s choice of food.

– I was shocked as I always thought rats ate cheese, says Harry to Nyheter24.
