Henrik Lundqvist’s luxury life in New York: “Waved up”

Henrik Lundqvists luxury life in New York Waved up

During Friday, the documentary has“Open Heart”, about Swedish hockey star Henrik Lundqvist premiering on Netflix.

In the film, viewers get to follow the former Rangers goalkeeper’s rehabilitation after major heart surgery and the path to a new life off the ice.

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The heart stopped further play

It was in October 2021 that Henrik Lundqvist announced that his career was over. After 15 years with the NY Rangers, he had signed a one-year contract with the Washington Capitals a year earlier, but never played with another NHL club.

After a major heart operation, Lundqvist suffered from an inflammation, which forced him to abandon all plans to continue playing.

– I will miss the intense feeling of being in an ice rink and competing, he said at the press conference at the time.

Henke Lundqvist during a game with the Rangers in 2019. Photo: Kathy Willens/TTSo does Henrik Lundqvist live in New York

A few years have passed since the emotional press conference, and Henrik Lundqvist’s life off the ice has taken shape.

He still lives in New York, with his wife Therese Andersson and the daughters Charlie and July. The family lives in a luxurious apartment in Tribeca, but also has an apartment in Gothenburg, and a summer house by the water in Onsala outside Gothenburg.

– Right now it feels right to live there and we are enjoying ourselves very well. There is school, activities and work – so our life is there. At the same time, it is always important for us to come home and meet everyone here, because we love Gothenburg, Henrik Lundqvist has said in an interview with Gothenburg Post.

There has also been more father life since the hockey career ended.

– The girls have their gymnastics, where we are a couple of times a week. And then it may be that I drive to a competition sometimes. We were on Long Island racing recently. There won’t be much driving, but we go to training.

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Henrik Lundqvist with his daughters and wife Therese. Photo: Mary Altaffer/TT That’s what “Henke” does today

But it is far from just family life that applies since Henrik Lundqvist retired from hockey.

The 42-year-old is an ambassador for Madison Square Garden, runs the Club 30 podcastis an expert during American TV channel TNT’s NHL broadcasts and just launched a perfume.

– I like when things happen and have recovered again. But I don’t know how long I will continue with what I am doing now. The basic idea for me now is to only do what brings me joy. If it doesn’t bring joy, I do something else instead. It’s a lot about finding the right balance in life. During an active sports career, you are a bit of a slave to a very strict schedule. Now I manage my own time and it’s extremely nice, he says The spur blade.


She is the wife of ice hockey star Erik Karlsson

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