One of the strangest German channels is being discontinued (hard to believe it even existed for so long)

One of the strangest German channels is being discontinued hard

Anyone looking for curse breaking, light body cleansing or heart openings by Mary Magdalene will find what they are looking for on AstroTV. The esoteric broadcaster has seen itself as a contact point for spiritual advice for two decades – for a fee, of course.

The concept is being criticized: the company has always been accused of trying to rip off vulnerable people. Now even the direct connection to the angels seems to be of no use: AstroTV is ceasing broadcasting at the end of the year.

AstroTV – A dubious piece of TV history

The station has led a double life since it started in 2004: esoteric fans appreciate the unique offering, but to outsiders it seems like a blatant rip-off. Anyone who doesn’t believe in the power of tarot cards, guardian angels etc. will probably have little interest in a paid interpretation of the future.

Poor camera quality, the outdated studio and the eccentric “experts” do the rest: AstroTV looks like an amateur production that has fallen out of time. A fact that has often been parodied on Kalkofes Mattscheibe:

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The target group doesn’t seem to mind. The consultants in the studio entice those watching with their deepest desires. Will a widow overcome her husband’s death? Can an impoverished pensioner hope for a windfall? Will the inconspicuous wallflower find love after all?

The supposed answer to essential life questions is just a paid call away. A lucrative business for the broadcaster, because desperate people in particular are likely to dig deep into their pockets to receive advice and guidance.

No wonder that there have been repeated allegations of rip-offs over the years. The most famous incident occurred in 2015. The Berlin collective Peng! According to his own statements, a clown smuggled into the studio, who threw an egg at the presenter and expressed his criticism in front of the camera: “We think AstroTV’s broadcasting license should be revoked! Because what is taking place here is fraud.

This is what those affected say about the end of AstroTV

The station lasted for twenty years on free TV, but as those responsible confirmed to, a drastic decision was made: AstroTV will cease broadcasting on December 31, 2024.

According to digital, there have been more and more problems receiving the small private channel in recent years. As a result, there were massive drops in ratings, which probably had a negative impact on sales.

However, the managing director of the parent company adviqo Tom Tews is positive. He emphasizes that there are plans to continue the station concept:

It is now time for us to adjust our focus and set the course for the future in an increasingly digitalized world.

No concrete details for the time after the TV broadcast are known yet, but Tews’ statement suggests that the online offering will be expanded. AstroTV is already active on social media and is broadcast live on YouTube. The concept of esoteric life advice is unlikely to change much. Whether the reorientation will be successful is anyone’s guess.
