Global warming: what are the strong points addressed in the 3rd part of the IPCC report?

Climate the strong points addressed in the 3rd part of

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The Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) assesses the state of knowledge of theclimate changehis causes and his impacts. A summary of the third part of its sixth assessment report (AR6) officially presented on April 4, 2022. Here we will see the themes and sectors (industries, Agricultureetc.) that will be mentioned during this conference.

Finding mitigation pathways to future scenarios

Of course, the reference theme is the assessment of the climate, but more precisely its trends past and current by working on the emissions of greenhouse gas (GHG); and on the drivers of these emissions such as socio-economic and demographic factors, long-term infrastructures or even behavioral choices and lifestyles at the individual and societal levels.

From this knowledge of the past and present, the IPCC worked on the future long-term temperature goal using the modeled emissions trajectories to create mitigation pathways based on the strategies for half of this century. The experts then focused on the effects of this mitigation on employment as well as the hypotheses on socio-cultural and techno-economic developments on a regional scale. They also assessed the enabling conditions such as the development and transfer of technology, the needs and the costs necessary for it.

The changes involved in mitigation

Who says mitigation plan global warming also says change in the way of life, and social and dietary habits. The implication of sustainable development, resource requirements and technologies is therefore dealt with in this third part of AR6; as well as ways to link them with mitigation such as setting up a circular economy and sharing, collaborative consumption or even a energy community. The bet is to establish a policy facilitating the change of behavior and lifestyle in line with the mitigation project.

But to change our way of life, we have to work on the adaptation and development of different sectors. But what does that mean?

Towards international cooperation

For the energy sector, for example, IPCC experts mention the importance of a transition to “environmentally” intelligent systems, making it possible to produce low-emission carbon. The agricultural sector (or other uses of land) should also focus on emerging technologies and ecosystem services; and that of urban systems on the management of wastefrom waste and recycling of materials.

Regarding the building, transport and industry sectors, the main plan is a mitigation strategy towards zero carbon and the establishment of effective systems covering emissions and even the capture and theuse carbon.

It is therefore important to develop and adapt on a national scale, but it will also be necessary to establish international cooperation to manage investments and financing in the project of mitigating global warming. A united front will accelerate innovation and technology development, and the establishment of sustainable development.

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