Craving strawberries? How to avoid the bacteria trap

Craving strawberries How to avoid the bacteria trap

Summer is approaching and it is high time to grow strawberries if you want to.

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In an interview with Marcus Söderlind who is chairman of the National Association of Farmers’ horticultural delegation, Söderlind tells us how to protect strawberries from bacteria.

First, he shares a hot tip if you want to have strawberries in several batches.

– Renovated varieties bloom several times in succession, which means that you can still pick strawberries in the autumn, Söderlind tells News24and continues:

– You can get several harvests on one plant then. It’s a bit of fun if you don’t have so many plants.

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How to take care of your strawberries this summer

As for bacteria, it’s the same for strawberries as it is for vegetables – rinse thoroughly.

– Always rinse fruit and vegetables! says Söderlind.

– Regardless of whether you have grown berries or vegetables yourself or bought them in a store, you must always rinse before eating them, he says.

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Unexpected bacteria trap: Meat

Something else a home grower should watch out for is meat. According to Söderlind, it is never a good idea to mix soil and meat.

– If you bring earthy products into the kitchen, it must be well wiped before you bring out other foods such as meat on the same surface to avoid soil bacteria coming into contact with other foods, says Söderlind to Nyheter24.

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