Garlic yogurt benefits: How to make garlic yogurt?

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Garlic yogurt can be used in salads, appetizers, soups and meals. It is healthier to consume yogurt by being careful that it is not oily. In addition, it will be more beneficial to use natural yogurt made at home instead of yogurt yeast. In addition to strengthening the immune system, garlic yogurt is digestive friendly and is good for digestive problems.

Garlic yogurt is a delicious appetizer prepared with a mixture of garlic and yogurt and offers many health benefits. Benefits of Garlic Yogurt:

  • It strengthens the immune system and fights infections.
  • Thanks to its antioxidant properties, it provides a protective effect against cancer.
  • It supports digestion and relieves stomach ailments.
  • It lowers blood pressure and protects heart health.
  • It lowers cholesterol levels and protects blood vessels.
  • Thanks to its anti-inflammatory properties, it relieves joint pain.
  • It maintains bone health and reduces the risk of osteoporosis.
  • It supports memory and cognitive functions.
  • It beautifies the skin and reduces skin problems such as acne and eczema.
  • It helps the weight loss process by accelerating the metabolism.

Garlic yogurt can be served with many dishes or used as a salad dressing. However, it is important to pay attention to the amount when consuming garlic yogurt because excessive consumption can cause stomach discomfort.

How to make Garlic Yogurt?

Garlic yogurt is a healthy and delicious snack. The ingredients you need are garlic, yogurt, salt and butter enriched with water. Here’s a simple recipe for making garlic yogurt:


  • 2 cloves of garlic
  • 1 cup of yogurt
  • 1 tablespoon of salt


  • First, mash the garlic into a puree.
  • Add the yogurt and salt to the garlic puree and mix well.
  • Add some water to adjust the consistency of the yogurt.

Does garlic yogurt lower blood pressure?

Scientific research on the effect of garlic yogurt on blood pressure continues, but a definite conclusion has not been reached yet. Some studies suggest that garlic yogurt may also lower blood pressure due to the blood pressure-lowering effect of garlic. However, people with blood pressure problems are advised to consult their doctor before consuming foods such as garlic yogurt. Because not every food has the same effect on everyone, and some foods may interact with medications.

Even if garlic yogurt has a blood pressure lowering effect, it is not enough to control blood pressure alone. Factors such as a healthy lifestyle, balanced diet and regular exercise are also important in blood pressure control.

Does Garlic Yogurt Lower Sugar?

There are some studies that show that garlic yogurt has sugar-lowering properties. However, this effect is not fully understood and more research is needed before definitive conclusions can be drawn. However, it is known that garlic yogurt is a healthy food and its regular consumption can provide many health benefits. However, if you have a health problem such as diabetes or high blood pressure, it is recommended to consult your doctor before making yogurt with garlic or any other dietary change.

Does Garlic Yogurt Lose Weight?

Components such as garlic and yogurt in the content of garlic yogurt are thought to have positive effects on weight loss by some studies. However, it has not been conclusively proven whether yoghurt with garlic has a direct slimming effect.

The potential effects of garlic yogurt on weight loss are based on factors such as nutrients such as protein and fiber, garlic that can increase the metabolic rate, and yogurt with a probiotic effect. However, for garlic yogurt to be effective, it is important to consume it along with a balanced diet and regular exercise. Therefore, there is no conclusive evidence that garlic yogurt alone provides weight loss, but it may be beneficial to consume it with a healthy diet and lifestyle.

Does garlic yogurt make you sleepy?

Garlic yoghurt does not have a sleep-inducing feature. On the contrary, yoghurt with garlic facilitates digestion, accelerates metabolism, and therefore may have positive effects on sleep patterns, thanks to the protein and probiotics in its content. However, since everyone’s metabolism is different, it can vary from person to person. In addition, yogurt with garlic can cause digestive problems in some people due to the garlic it contains, which can have negative effects on sleep patterns. Therefore, before consuming garlic yogurt, it is important to pay attention to your health status and whether you have allergies. If you have sleep problems, it would be more appropriate to consult your doctor and determine an appropriate treatment method.

Does Garlic Yogurt Go Bad?

Garlic yogurt, like other types of yogurt, is perishable. Therefore, it is important to store and consume in the right conditions. Garlic yogurt can stay fresh for 2-3 days when stored in a sealed container in the refrigerator. However, it can last for a shorter time in hot weather. If you notice a bad smell, taste or appearance difference in garlic yogurt, you should avoid consuming it. In addition, care should be taken to ensure that the materials used in the preparation of garlic yogurt are fresh and of high quality.

Does garlic yogurt cause gas in baby?

Since garlic yogurt has a spicy and intense flavor, it can harm babies’ sensitive digestive systems. Therefore, if you want to add new foods or give yogurt with garlic for your baby, it is recommended to consult your doctor first. In addition, since the digestive systems of babies are not fully developed yet, your baby’s body should be allowed to reach maturity to digest them before giving garlic yogurt or any spicy food.

Is Garlic Yogurt Good for Diarrhea?

Garlic yogurt is a method used by some people to relieve digestive issues. Thanks to the yogurt and garlic it contains, it increases the number of beneficial bacteria in the intestines, which can facilitate digestion. However, there is no definite information about whether garlic yogurt is good for diarrhea. While it may be beneficial for some people, it can make diarrhea worse for others. If you suffer from diarrhea, it is best to avoid eating spicy foods such as yogurt with garlic and it is recommended to consult your doctor. Also, you should discontinue use if you observe any side effects.
