Franck Thilliez, in the maze of the imagination of a thriller author

Franck Thilliez, one of the three most widely read writers in France, is the author of around twenty novels, including “pandemic», «The Unfinished Manuscript», «Luke», «Twice Upon a Time», «1991” and “Mazes», published by Fleuve editions and Pocket. “Syndrome E», novel already included in comic strip, has just been adapted in series. Franck Thilliez is also a screenwriter. He created, with Niko Tackian, the “Alex Hugo” series. His books are translated all over the world.


A scene of pure madness in a chalet. A victim with the face reduced to mush with the blows of a poker. And a suspect with a strange amnesia. Camille Nijinski, in charge of the investigation, needs to understand this sudden loss of memory, but the psychiatrist with whom she speaks has much more to teach her. Because before forgetting everything, his patient told him her story. A long and complex story. Undoubtedly the most extraordinary that Camille will hear in her entire career…

The pleasure of fear

The master of the French thriller opens the fascinating doors of his imagination to us: tracking ideas, building characters, quest for anguish, nothing is left to chance. In this book, Franck Thilliez tells how he transforms his nightmares into diabolical stories. Something to surprise and captivate its readers who will trace the implacable mechanisms of the factory of fear to pleasure.

Writing a book is not assembling the hundreds of thousands of parts of a Boeing 737 following a very precise protocol. It’s imagining the parts from nothing, building them with your little hands, assembling them without a plan and praying that the plane will fly. It may take off. Not sure he lands without losing half a reactor. »
