Blue Bloods is approaching its last 3 episodes and Star draws a bitter conclusion

Blue Bloods is approaching its last 3 episodes and Star

The end of Blue Bloods – Crime Scene New York is coming whether we like it or not. For weeks and months, fans have been trying to convince CBS to release the police series after all to renew another seasonBut the US broadcaster has made up its mind. It will end after the finale of the 14th season.

After Season 14: Blue Bloods ends and even the stars can’t do anything about it now

The Blue Bloods family is devastated. This includes the stars of the series, who loudly advocated for rescue In the new edition of the podcast Think Big, Abigail Baker actress Abigail Hawk talks about the approaching end and draws a bitter conclusion. All attempts to change CBS’s mind have failed.

Specifically, Hawk says:

“[Das Ende der Serie] is slowly becoming very real, we have only three episodes leftthat we have to shoot. CBS has announced that the show will not be renewed despite our pleas, the pleas of the crew and the pleas of the fans.


Abigail Hawk in Blue Bloods

But Hawk does not want to be too pessimistic about the future:

But of course hope never dies, she lives forever. You never know, but I think it’s a nice dose of reality that it ends. So I expect lows, but after the lows come the highs.

The ending of Blue Bloods is set in stone. Or not? Most recently, main actor Tom Selleck confused people with a statement that the 15th season is definitely coming. In the end he only meant that second half of season 14that will bring the Reagan family story to an end.

When is the Blue Bloods finale coming out?

In the US, the first half of the 14th season of Blue Bloods was shown from February to May. The broadcast of the second half, with the remaining eight episodes, starts in October and will run until December 2024. This means that Blue Bloods will end on CBS before the end of the year. However, exact dates have not yet been announced.

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