Forum Mare, Pichetto Fratin: Italy can become the energy hub of the Mediterranean

Forum Mare Pichetto Fratin Italy can become the energy hub

(Finance) – “Italyon the front of the decarbonisation and therefore emissions, weighs 0.8% worldwideWhile Europe weighs between 8% and 10%. “This means that the solution cannot be the action of an individual.” With this concept the intervention begins “Forum Mare” in Trieste of the Minister of the Environment Gilberto Pichetto Fratinwhich reiterates how the seawhich this year touched record temperatures in the Mediterranean and in the oceans, not only what unites the continents, both in logistics and in climate change, but also the health thermometer of our planet.

The environment minister also reiterated the potential that Italy has in the logistics-energy sector: the geopolitical situation, and in particular the sanctions and the changed relations with Russia, have moved the large supplies of natural gas from Northern Europe to the South, and in this Italy is the privileged countrybeing projected by its nature towards Africa, where the most important energy resources come from.

The minister also spoke about the European plans relating to a future hydrogen production in the Sahara desert via photovoltaic (plans that have been accused of neocolonialism in recent years, ed.), which could then arrive in Italy via a gas pipeline. Rgasifiers, logistics, shipbuilding and any hydrogen gas pipelinesaccording to Pichetto Fratin, are a great possibility for the country to take on a role of leader in the energy field.

Lastly, the environment minister spoke about the world of fishing. Here too the possibilities are considered very broad and Italy, already considered one of the world’s protagonists in the food sector, is seen as one of the most important actors in the world of aquaculture and fish: “We must have the best fishermen. The best fishermen are those who are satisfied with their work because they earn more. This is the challenge that we must give to the country.”
