Eternal Fire Breaks a Record in New HLTV Rankings

Eternal Fire Breaks a Record in New HLTV Rankings

The HLTV ranking, which ranks the success levels of esports teams participating in Counter Strike tournaments, continues to be announced regularly. Our representative in the new ranking announced as of yesterday (27 November) Eternal Fire rose to #11. Thus, 5 years later, HLTV managed to overtake Space Soldiers as the best rating record ever achieved in the rankings.

Eternal Fire Breaks a Record in New HLTV Rankings

Eternal Fire, which had an increasing graphic in the last tournaments of CS:GO, went through a painful process after the transition to CS2. Our representative, who could not continue in CS 2 where he left off in CS:GO, slowly started to find his rhythm. Our representative, who also achieved a rising chart in CS2, at the end of last week ESL Challenger Jönköping 2023 We announced to Mobile readers that he lost in the final.

Eternal Fire, which rose 3 places in the CS HLTV Ranking announced on Wednesday, November 27, reached an important level by ranking 11th. In addition, this rise also brought a record for Eternal Fire. To date, it is the Turkish team with the best ranking in the HLTV rankings. Space Soldiers’ record now goes to Eternal Fire passed.

FaZe Continues Its Leadership!

FaZe, which made an excellent start in CS2 and played head-to-head in all Counter-Strike 2 tournaments, maintained its leadership in the newly announced list. Finally, despite the loss in the BLAST final, FaZe maintained its leadership; BLAST Champion Vitality rose by three places and ranked 2nd. MOUZ and ENCE dropped one place each. Complexity, which has a rising graphic in CS2, made a name for itself by ranking in the top five.

They ranked 11th, surpassing the record of Space Soldiers, which has the highest ranking record achieved by a Turkish team, by one place. This degree of Eternal Fire, It took its place in the records as an important historical success for itself.

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Eternal Fire Fans Happy, Target Top 10!

After the 11th place in the HLTV rankings, thousands of EF fans shared on social media and congratulated Eternal Fire. Fans who are happy with their team’s success will be Eternal Fire’s top 10 He’s pretty sure he’ll get in. Let’s take a look at some of the comments of Eternal Fire fans about this success:

Wicadia I can say that the team turned its direction upwards. “I think the cast of Eternal Fire, which is a much more complete team compared to Space Soldiers, deserves higher rankings.”

“XANTARES was also in the cast of Space Soldiers at that time, and now it is in the cast of Eternal Fire. The guy is a GOAT. In vain CS:GO’s best player ever This also shows that he was not elected.”

“In the near future Eternal Fire top 10 I’m sure we’ll see you get into it. The next target will be the top 5. The first 3 are very difficult, but that’s life, you never know…”
