Discover wild nature through the photographs of Marco Grassi

Discover wild nature through the photographs of Marco Grassi

The Italian photographer Marco Grassi captures the wildness of nature and specializes particularly in the photography large spaces. He plays with the observer’s imagination by capturing earthly images that sometimes seem to come from another world. Marco Grassi works a lot with lights and atmospheric opacities. In this slideshow, he presents superb photographs from around the world.

Of them species of penguins share the limelight in this photograph. The largest species is that of the gentoo penguin, which lives in particular at the level of the peninsula Antarctic. They are on average 75 centimeters long and weigh up to more than eight kilograms. They are recognizable by the white markings they display between and at the corners of the eyes. The smallest species in the photograph is that of the chinstrap penguin. The species is so named because of the edging black that she presents under the “chin”. These penguins can live on the Antarctic continent but they can also settle on icebergs drifting in the ocean. This species is about 70 centimeters long and weighs up to five kilograms.
