Big change in weather this week, regions will not see the sun

Big change in weather this week regions will not see

After these few days of good weather, the cold and the rain have already returned and the rest of the week promises to be gloomy.

These few days of good weather have been good for morale. Unfortunately, it’s already over. The month of June will not be all sunshine and heat, quite the contrary. This weekend in the south, storms have already caused temperatures to drop. According to The Weather Channelthe trend is confirmed this mid-week.

Temperatures will drop to a level worthy of the end of April. The western half of the country will be particularly affected, going so far as to find itself around four degrees below seasonal norms. In the southwest, the difference will be brutal: up to minus 15 degrees in a week in certain locations from Tuesday. In the northern half, temperatures will not exceed 19-20 degrees and 22 degrees in the south. In the morning, it could be less than 10 degrees with particularly cool days Tuesday and Wednesday. On Thursday, temperatures could drop further.

This change is explained by a polar shift linked to a very strong undulation of the Jet Stream, a current present at high altitude. This phenomenon will be accompanied by gloomy weather with few sunny spells, but showers. A real autumn feeling is coming. Only the Mediterranean rim will remain a little sunny. Snow could even make a return to the Pyrenees with a few flakes above 2200 meters altitude.

Temperatures could start to rise slightly from Thursday. A false hope, since on Friday, a new disturbance was announced with an arrival via Brittany, affecting three-quarters of France.

The following week, a few degrees may also be gradually regained, despite persistent unstable weather. Stormy showers would be expected. We should therefore not expect a very sunny and hot month of June, as Guillaume Séchet, creator of the Météo-Villes site, explained to the Parisian : “for the moment, we do not see a lastingly hot and dry period across France for less than ten days”. For the end of June, the forecasts are still not very reliable but The Weather Channel expect slightly drier weather in the northern half but stormy in the south with temperatures close to seasonal norms.
