Cutting persimmons: here’s the best way to do it

Cutting persimmons heres the best way to do it

Ripe persimmons have a sweet taste, and by cutting them you can enjoy them piece by piece. Here we explain how to do it correctly.

Khaki is distinguished by its bright orange color. Originally from East Asia, it has also won a place of choice on our fruit plates in France. The sweet aroma of persimmon makes it a versatile ingredient for many recipes. To enjoy the taste of persimmon, it is important to cut it correctly.

For purchased persimmons that you want to eat the same day, make sure they are ripe. You can recognize a ripe fruit by its flexibility, similar to that of a ripe tomato. In addition, the skin becomes partially translucent, revealing the flesh of the fruit. If you plan to eat the persimmon a few days later, it may be a little firmer when purchased. Underripe persimmons have a bitter taste because they still contain a lot of tannin, a natural tannin of the plant. However, as the fruit ripens, the tannins disappear and the fruit develops its characteristic sweet taste.

Follow these steps to cut a persimmon tree:

1. First wash ripe fruits thoroughly. Thin-skinned varieties can be eaten with their skins on, but are tastier peeled.
2. Cut the washed fruit in half, then cut each half in half.
3. Take the quarters in hand and remove the stalks.
4. If necessary, remove the skin with a small sharp knife.
5. For gourmets, it is recommended to remove the lighter part at the upper end of the segments, as it has a firmer texture than the rest of the fruit.
6. Next, cut the fruit flesh into small pieces or thin slices.

If you want to puree the persimmon or use it in a smoothie, you can first peel it with a vegetable peeler and then cut it into large pieces. If the persimmon is already very soft, cut it in half and simply scoop out the flesh with a spoon.

Persimmons are not only delicious, they are also good for your health. They are rich in vitamins, minerals and antioxidants, which contribute to general well-being. For creative cooks, there are many recipes where persimmon plays a starring role, whether in salads, desserts or main dishes.

Did you know ? It is possible to grow persimmons in your own garden and the harvest can be abundant even in France. As ripe fruits only last for a few days, we recommend freezing them to extend their shelf life. Persimmons are best frozen whole or pureed. It is also possible to store peeled and cut persimmon in the freezer.
