Carole Bouquet and her granddaughter, more accomplices than ever, prove that beauty is indeed a family affair

Carole Bouquet and her granddaughter more accomplices than ever prove

Carole Bouquet and her granddaughter Darya Rassam climbed the steps of the Cannes Film Festival together. A stunning duo that puts natural beauty in the spotlight.

This Wednesday, May 22, the screening of the film took place the count of Monte Cristo, produced by Dimitri Rassam. For the occasion, many celebrities were present such as Pierre Niney and his partner Natasha Andrews, Sting and his wife Trudie Styler or even Vincent Cassel and his young lover. But the duo that caused the most sensation was Carole Bouquet and her granddaughter, Darya Rassam, heir to her grandmother’s natural beauty.

Carole Bouquet and Darya Rassam opt for a natural beauty look

Carole Bouquet, who had already attracted all eyes during her first climb of the stairs on May 16, returned to the red carpet accompanied by her granddaughter, Darya Rassam. Although they didn’t really coordinate their looks – Carole Bouquet wore a long coral dress and Darya Rassam a black velvet and tulle dress – they both played the natural beauty card. For her part, the 66-year-old actress stood out with an orange lipstick, reminiscent of the color of her dress, but also a look highlighted in black, a fresh complexion and a soft blow-dry with a parting on the side. Now aged 13, the daughter of Dimitri Rassam and model Masha Novoselova has followed in her grandmother’s footsteps. Ultra smooth lengths and lightly glossed lipsthe teenager already has everything of a star!

Legacy of elegance and beauty

If Carole Bouquet and Darya Rassam appeared extremely complicit on the red carpet of the Cannes festival, the resemblance between the star and her granddaughter will not have escaped anyone. With his piercing gaze, the shape of his face and his fine featuresDarya Rassam is the spitting image of her illustrious grandmother.

A sensational appearance which demonstrates that elegance and beauty are a family affair. No doubt, the apple didn’t fall far from the tree!
