Airports, Tar Calabria cancels Sacal tender award for passenger control service

Airports Tar Calabria cancels Sacal tender award for passenger control

(Finance) – The first section of the Tar Calabria canceled the award of the tender relative passenger control service of the Lamezia Terme, Reggio Calabria and Crotone airports managed by Sacal, a Calabrian airport company. To appeal against the award, in 2021, of the contract worth approximately 10 million euros to the company Torpedine srlhad been the Sicurtransport company, defended by lawyers Alfredo Gualtieri, Demetro Verbaro and Magda Mella.

The administrative judges, in the council chamber on 6 April, welcomed the appeal giving reason to the appellant company and canceling all the contested measures. In particular, among the reasons raised in the company’s appeal and accepted by the TAR was contested the modification, which occurred during the race according to the applicants, of the tender which, initially, also provided for the collection and transport of the values from each Calabrian airport to the indicated bank.
