What is the kissing disease? Kissing disease symptoms and treatment

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Cem Ölmez

Kissing disease is usually triggered by a virus that causes sores on the lips. This can suddenly turn a kiss, defined as the most common way of expressing love, into a threat. The virus can easily be transmitted from the person it comes into contact with to another person. This situation has caused the disease to become an important public health issue. Kissing disease may be contagious, but compared to some common diseases such as the common cold, the risk of contracting this disease is slightly lower.

What is the kissing disease?

Kissing disease is also known medically as “infectious mononucleosis” or simply “mono disease”. “What causes kissing disease?” As for the answer to the question, the answer to this question is a virus. Kissing disease is a common infectious disease caused by the Epstein-Barr virus (EBV). Kissing disease is a disease that usually affects children and young adults. However, it can be seen in people of all ages. EBV virus is a member of the herpes virus family. Kissing disease usually heals on its own.

What are the symptoms of kissing disease?

Kissing disease is most often transmitted through close contact, such as kissing, sharing the same cup, or sharing personal care products. The virus enters the person’s body through saliva and spreads throughout the body via the lymphatic system. Symptoms of kissing disease generally appear 1-2 weeks after infection. Symptoms of kissing disease last for 1-2 weeks. The most common symptoms of kissing disease are:

  • Fire
  • Sore throat
  • Tiredness
  • Headache
  • Enlargement of lymph nodes
  • skin rash

Less common symptoms of kissing disease include:

  • Enlargement of the liver and spleen
  • Nausea and vomiting
  • Diarrhea
  • muscle pain
  • breathing difficulties

How is kissing disease treated?

There is no specific treatment for kissing disease. Treatment for kissing disease usually aims to control symptoms. Kissing disease can be treated with rest, drinking plenty of fluids, painkillers and antipyretics. Kissing disease does not require any special treatment as it is a condition that usually heals on its own. However, there are some extremely important methods that can be applied at home to relieve symptoms and speed up the healing process. Treatment and relief methods for kissing disease can be listed as follows:

  • Appropriate painkillers and antipyretics can be used with the doctor’s recommendation to relieve pain and keep the fever under control in kissing disease.
  • Drinking plenty of water in case of kissing disease hydrates the body and can help heal wounds inside the mouth.
  • Consuming foods such as fruit juice and ice cream can provide relief from painful wounds.
  • In case of kissing disease, using antiseptic mouthwashes with the recommendation of a doctor can reduce the bacterial load in the mouth and reduce the risk of infection.
  • It may be useful to use moisturizing lip creams or lotions to prevent dryness and cracking on the lips due to kissing disease.
  • Especially during the period when the disease is contagious, it is important to pay attention to personal hygiene rules to prevent transmission and spread of the infection to other people.
  • Since kissing disease is generally transmitted through saliva, sharing the same items should be strictly avoided.
