Your view of pineapple will change: Effective against heart, diabetes and cancer… Impressive benefits of pineapple!

Your view of pineapple will change Effective against heart diabetes

Pineapple is one of the most delicious fruits in the world. The sweet tropical fruit pineapple, which originates from South America, also comes to the fore with its different benefits. It was given this name by early European colonists because of its resemblance to a pine cone. From healing wounds to its positive effect on the proper functioning of the digestive system, from boosting immunity to reducing the risk of cancer, the impressive benefits of pineapple you may not know.

BENEFITS OF pineapple

Low in calories, pineapple is packed with vitamin C, manganese, folate and potassium, as well as phosphorus, zinc, calcium, vitamins A and K. Pineapple is especially rich in vitamin C and manganese.

Not only is pineapple rich in nutrients, it’s also loaded with antioxidants.

Unstable molecules that cause cell damage and suppress oxidative stress, which often causes chronic inflammation, weakened immune health, heart disease, diabetes, and some cancers. Pineapple is particularly rich in antioxidants called flavonoids and phenolic compounds.

Pineapple contains a group of digestive enzymes called bromelain, which can facilitate the digestion of meat dishes. It is especially helpful for people with pancreatic insufficiency where the pancreas cannot produce enough digestive enzymes.


Cancer is a chronic disease characterized by uncontrolled cell growth. Its progression is often linked to oxidative stress and chronic inflammation. Several studies note that pineapple and its compounds, including bromelain, may reduce cancer risk by minimizing oxidative stress and reducing inflammation. Some research shows that bromelain may also help treat already advanced cancer.

Pineapple has been used in traditional medicine for centuries. They contain a wide variety of vitamins, minerals, and enzymes, such as bromelain, which can collectively improve immunity and reduce inflammation. Heals chronic sinusitis.


A recent study has even found that bromelain supplements, alone and in combination with other compounds in pineapple, can help reduce COVID-19 symptoms and slow its progression.


The anti-inflammatory properties of Bromelain found in pineapple may provide pain relief for those with inflammatory arthritis. One study found that bromelain supplements were as effective as regular pain relief at easing osteoarthritis in the lower back.


In another study in people with osteoarthritis, a digestive enzyme supplement containing bromelain helped relieve pain as effectively as common arthritis medications.

It has been shown that the bromelain found in pineapple can reduce inflammation, swelling, bruising, and pain that often occur after surgery, including dental and skin procedures. It can likewise reduce the signs of inflammation.

The anti-inflammatory properties of pineapple may also aid recovery after strenuous exercise.
