In China, a company offers days off to take care of one’s well-being

In China a company offers days off to take care

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    Who has never dragged their feet when going to the office? Many employees say they do not thrive at work, which raises questions for their superiors. In China, a business manager decided to offer his dissatisfied employees the opportunity to take days off to cultivate their happiness.

    Yu Donglai, founder and chairman of the Pang Dong Lai retail chain, recently announced that his employees could request ten additional days off at their convenience, so that they can maintain a better balance between their personal and professional lives. “I want every staff member to be free. Everyone has times when they are not happy, so if you are not happy, don’t come to work“, he explained during a conference organized as part of China Supermarket Week, according to the South China Morning Post.

    This announcement was warmly welcomed on Chinese social networks, including the very popular Weibo. “This is a good boss; this kind of corporate culture should be promoted nationwide“, declared an Internet user on the platform, according to the Chinese daily. This surge of enthusiasm can be explained by the fact that the Chinese are increasingly rejecting the culture of hard work that their elders experienced.

    China has long been associated with “996” weeks, meaning six days a week in the office, from 9 a.m. to 9 p.m. But this unsustainable pace is strongly criticized by young people, who are facing significant difficulties on the job market. Those under 30 struggle to convince recruiters of their employability, although they are more qualified than previous generations. In March, 15.3% of 16-24 year olds were unemployed, according to figures from the National Bureau of Statistics cited by the Wall Street Journal.

    In this context of crisis, it is difficult to maintain morale and not let ourselves be overcome by gloom. More than one in two Chinese workers say they are very stressed on a daily basis, according to the 2023 edition of the State of the Global Workplace report from the Gallup Institute. It is therefore not surprising that many of them are seduced by the idea of ​​being able to benefit from additional days off to take care of themselves, and to return to work with a light heart. It remains to be seen whether other business leaders will follow Yu Donglai’s example by offering more leave to their employees.

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