While talking about ChatGPT, a surprise announcement came! OpenAI releases GPT-4

While talking about ChatGPT a surprise announcement came OpenAI releases

OpenAI, the developer of the much discussed and talked about ChatGPT, has announced GPT-4, the latest in a series of artificial intelligence language models that power applications like ChatGPT and the new Bing. Thus, after months of rumors and speculation, the new language model GPT-4 was officially introduced. Here are the details…


According to The Verge’s report, OpenAI claims that GPT-4 is “more creative and collaborative than ever before” and can “solve difficult problems with greater accuracy.” It can parse both text and image input, but only respond via text.

OpenAI also warns that the systems retain many of the same problems as previous language models, including a tendency to fabricate information and the capacity to produce violent and harmful text.

OpenAI also announced that it has partnered with a number of companies, including Duolingo, Stripe, and Khan Academy, to integrate GPT-4 into their products.


The new model is available through OpenAI’s $20 monthly ChatGPT subscription, ChatGPT Plus. It also powers Microsoft’s Bing chatbot. In addition, it will also be available as an API for developers to build on.

In a research blog post, OpenAI said that the difference between GPT-4 and its predecessor, GPT-3.5 (the model that powers ChatGPT) is “subtle” in casual conversation, the difference being when the complexity of the task reaches a sufficient threshold.

In addition, the company says the GPT-4’s improvements are evident in the system’s performance on a number of tests and benchmarks, including the Uniform Bar Exam, LSAT, SAT Math, and SAT Evidence-Based Reading & Writing exams.
