What to do for stomach ache at home? Things that are good for stomach pain, medicines, foods, herbs

Natural remedies for stomach pain include herbal teas, especially peppermint, ginger and chamomile tea, adding lemon juice to warm water, drinking carbonated water; cinnamon and honey mixture, fennel or cumin tea, and oatmeal. In addition, reducing stress, eating a healthy and regular diet, eating slowly, and avoiding excessively spicy and fatty foods can also help prevent stomach pain. But if you have severe and persistent stomach pains, it’s important to consult a healthcare professional because it could be a sign of a serious health problem.

How to relieve stomach pain naturally at home?

It is possible to provide a natural transition at home for mild and temporary stomach pains. However, if you have severe and persistent stomach pains or are accompanied by other symptoms, it is important to consult a healthcare professional. Drinking herbal tea is the first thing that comes to mind among the methods that immediately relieve stomach pain. Methods that relieve stomach pain immediately:

  • Consuming herbal teas
  • applying heating pads or warm compresses
  • drinking lots of water
  • Consuming carbonated water
  • avoiding heavy and fatty foods
  • Eating light, fibrous foods
  • eating slowly
  • reduce stress

“What are the things that are good for stomach pain?” We can answer the question as in the list above. You can try home remedies for stomach pain in mild pain. Remember that each person’s causes of stomach pain may be different, and natural methods may not always be effective for everyone. It is important to consult a healthcare professional for severe or persistent stomach pain. The specialist will determine the underlying cause and plan the appropriate treatment.

What foods are good for stomach pain?

You can benefit from the following foods to relieve stomach pain and relax:

  • Banana can help relieve stomach ache thanks to its stomach-soothing and nourishing properties.
  • Oatmeal facilitates digestion thanks to its fibrous structure and can reduce stomach pain with its soothing effect on the stomach.
  • With its probiotic content, yogurt can help regulate the digestive system and relieve stomach pain.
  • You can chew fresh ginger pieces, drink ginger tea or add it to your meals. Ginger can help relieve stomach pain.
  • Eating peeled and grated apples can have a stomach-soothing effect.
  • Boiled rice can facilitate digestion and soothe the stomach.
  • Fried potatoes can reduce stomach pain with its stomach-soothing effect.
  • Chamomile tea has soothing and calming properties on the stomach.
  • Consuming a teaspoon of honey can soothe the stomach and relieve stomach pain.

What herbs are good for stomach pain?

You can use some herbs to relieve and relieve stomach pain. Plants that can be used for the herbal treatment of stomach pain:

  • You can chew fresh ginger pieces, drink ginger tea or add it to your meals. It is one of the most effective herbs for relieving stomach pain.
  • Chamomile tea can reduce stomach pain with its soothing and calming effect on the stomach.
  • Adding mint tea or fresh mint leaves to water can soothe the stomach.
  • Fennel tea can help relieve gas and relax the stomach.
  • Cumin tea can help relieve stomach pain by regulating the digestive system.
  • Chamomile tea may have stomach-soothing and calming properties.
  • Clove tea can help relieve stomach pain.
  • Lavender tea can relieve stomach pain by reducing stress and soothing the stomach.
  • Sage tea can have a stomach-soothing effect.

You can consume these herbs as tea or add them to water and drink them by brewing. However, each individual’s causes of stomach pain may be different, and some herbs may not be effective for everyone. Also, it is important to consult a healthcare professional for severe and persistent stomach pains. The specialist will determine the underlying cause and plan the appropriate treatment.

What fruits are good for stomach pain?

You can benefit from the following fruits to relieve and relieve stomach pain:

  • Banana can help relieve stomach ache thanks to its stomach-soothing and nourishing properties.
  • Eating peeled and grated apples can have a stomach-soothing effect.
  • Peach is a fruit with stomach-soothing and digestive properties.
  • Melon provides hydration with its high water content and can help relieve stomach pain.
  • Avocados can help regulate digestion and soothe the stomach, thanks to its high fiber content.
  • Pineapple contains an enzyme called bromelain and has digestive properties.
  • Thanks to its fiber content, raspberries can relax the stomach and support digestion.
  • Watermelon can have a stomach-soothing effect with its high water content.
  • With its antioxidant content, pomegranate can support digestion and help relieve stomach pain.

What are the drinks that are good for stomach pain?

You can use some drinks to relieve stomach pain and relax. Teas that are good for stomach pain:

  • Chamomile tea can reduce stomach pain with its soothing and calming effect on the stomach.
  • Peppermint tea can help regulate the digestive system and help relieve stomach pain.
  • Ginger tea is an effective beverage to relieve stomach pain.
  • Sage tea can have a stomach-soothing effect and relieve stomach pain.
  • Fennel tea can help relieve gas and relax the stomach.
  • Linden tea can reduce stomach pain with its soothing and relaxing effect on the stomach.
  • The anti-inflammatory properties of turmeric can help relieve stomach pain.
  • Aloe vera juice can soothe the stomach and facilitate digestion.
  • Lemon water can alkalize the stomach and support digestion.

What drugs are good for stomach pain?

If you have not been able to relieve stomach pain at home, the definitive solution to stomach pain is drugs. Medicines used for stomach pain must be prescribed by the doctor and you must get a prescription medicine from the pharmacy. Medicines that are good for stomach pain are designed to calm the stomach and relieve pain by working with different mechanisms. Medicines that are good for stomach pain are used to alleviate the underlying causes of stomach pain or reduce symptoms. However, it is important to consult a healthcare professional before using any medication. In addition, you should follow the recommendations of your doctor during the use of the drug and do not exceed the dosage.
