What is the role of the gynecologist and when to see him?

What is the role of the gynecologist and when to

The gynecologist is the specialist in the female reproductive system, contraception, pregnancy and menopause. When to consult it? What is his role ? What to do before a consultation?

Etymologically, the term “gynecology” means “study of women”. Practiced by a gynecologist, this health specialty is dedicated to the management of disorders of the female genital system. Whether it is a man or a woman, the gynecologist takes care of problems with menstruation or menopause, contraception (he can prescribe the pill, insert an IUD, etc.), diseases of the breast, uterus, ovaries, fallopian tubes and external genitalia, as well as female cancers. He examines the external (perineum) and internal (cervix, uterine cavity, cervical mucus) genital organs, as well as the breasts. He also carries out the various follow-up examinations of the pregnant woman.

What is the role of a gynecologist (or gynecologist-obstetrician)?

The gynecologist is the specialist in the female genitalia, breasts and associated conditions. It should be consulted when prescribing a method of contraception, monitoring pregnancy and menopause. Obstetrics gynecology concerns the monitoring of pregnancy and childbirth. An obstetrician takes care of the woman but also of the child she is carrying, assisted by a midwife and/or a nurse. He realises examinations (ultrasound, amniocentesis, etc.) and establishes prenatal diagnosis.

When to see a gynecologist?

The first consultation usually takes place at the start of sexual activity, with a view to prescribing contraception. Then, the follow-up must continue throughout life, at the rate ofat least one visit per year. Apart from this, patients must consult in case of painful periods, pelvic pain, breast pain, menstrual irregularity, or any other abnormal situation… The gynecologist is also the privileged interlocutor in the context of pregnancy and at the time of menopause. . For example, you can consult a gynecologist in case of:

  • Sexually transmitted infections (STIs)
  • Period disorders
  • Women’s cancer screening
  • endometriosis
  • Prolapse (organ descent)
  • Symptoms related to menopause…

As Dr. Pia de Reilhac, president of the National Federation of Colleges of Medical Gynecology, reminds us: “The consultation with the gynecologist must be done in great confidence, with in the first place a discussion on the reason for the consultation, on listening to the questions of the patient which will lead to an examination explained to the patient for a sharing of the importance of this consultation.” During the clinical examinationthe gynecologist proceeds vaginal examination, palpation of the abdomen and breast examination. He introduces a speculum to observe the vaginal cavity and the cervix. In a young patient, this examination is not systematically performed. Pap smears (FCU) for cervical cancer screening are only performed from the age of 25.

All the results of previous examinations are provided: mammogram, blood test, last smear. It is not necessary to wax before a consultation with the gynecologist. The daily shower is enough and it is not advisable to use intimate toiletries before going to the appointment.

What studies to become a gynecologist?

The profession of medical gynecologist or obstetrician gynecologist is accessible after the Paces (first year common to health studies) followed by five years of medical studies and four to five years of specialized training.

It is possible to find a medical gynecologist or an obstetrician-gynecologist near you thanks to thehealth insurance health directory. Despite the introduction of the coordinated care pathway, gynecologists can be consulted freely by patients, without them having to go through their attending physician. The consultation is covered by the health insurance fund up to 70%.

Thanks to Dr Pia de Reilhac, medical gynecologist in Nantes, president of the National Federation of Colleges of Medical Gynecology.
