Bachelorette-Sonja’s boot to the guys: “A little respect”

Bachelorette Sonjas boot to the guys A little respect

Sonja Livbom, 28, is the 2024 Bachelorette and it didn’t take long before she had won the hearts of the entire Swedish people. In the spring of 2024, she is looking for love in TV4’s dating program, and it has now been about a year since it was played in Mexico.

DO NOT MISS: All about Sonja Livbom: Family, siblings and Bachelorette 2024

Sonja Livbom is this year’s Bachelorette 2024

The program has so far offered fast-paced dates, a few kisses and a lot of drama between the guys. During the 2024 season of The Bachelorette, several of the guys’ behavior has created a lot of discussion on social media, and they haven’t always gotten along.

In an interview with News24 Sonja was asked what kind of “icks” she has on guys, and then says that it has to do with something she experienced during the recording.

– “Icks” are really personality-related, and we have seen a few “icks” (in the program redd note). What I also really want to point out is that I don’t dislike any of these guys. But a lot of what I feel are “icks” is that there was very little respect for my journey. It was a lot like this: “I wanted to go there for this. I thought this. I did this and this.” And that is completely understandable. I back it.

Sonja, 28, is this year’s Bachelorette. Photo: TV4/Bachelorette

Sonja explains that she used to talk to the guys about this very thing when she came into the house, before the rose ceremonies and the mingling.

– I pointed out then and there that this is not just my trip. It’s your journey too. And the only thing I wish is that we do it with love and respect from start to finish.

READ MORE: Bachelorette-Sonja about the relationship with the guys today

The guys received a mysterious package. Photo: TV4/BacheloretteBachelorette-Sonja: “Where is your respect?”

The participant Joel chose early in the season to leave voluntarily as he was in love with a girl back home in Sweden, something that Sonja brings up as an example of the subject.

– That he chooses to leave because he is in love with another girl is so nice, and it is so understandable. I’m so glad he got there in understanding. The problem was that my feeling was that you have been deceiving me for two weeks. You have not been telling the truth from the very beginning. Whether you weren’t in love with a girl or not, you have someone on the other side.

– And it was a bit there that I ended up in all these slightly awkward situations with the boys. Where is your respect? I’m sitting here, I’m going on dates three times a day, recording ten hours a day. You sit by a pool and sunbathe. I’m completely exhausted and so socially tired, and then this stuff ends up in my lap.

– But I also want to say that I understand the boys, and that they must not leave the house. I have full respect for climbing the walls and making decisions that you might otherwise, in a different mood, not have made.


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