Teacher sent inappropriate texts to 11-year-old – got a new job

“You’re just as cute freshly showered as not”.
It is one of over 160 messages that a female teacher sent to an 11-year-old student at a school in Skaraborg.
The teacher was bought out – but today works at another school, reports P4 Skaraborg.

A teacher at a school in Skaraborg was warned by the Teachers’ Responsibility Board for having sent over 160 inappropriate text messages to one of his students.

The boy’s parents reacted to the increasingly frequent contact outside school hours and she was then bought out for SEK 670,000.

But despite that, she works today at a school in Gothenburg, reports P4 Skaraborg.

Sent picture of his thighs

– We think that taking references and really doing a thorough check before hiring is very important for the children’s and students’ safety, says Anna Medin, a lawyer at the National Education Agency.

In a message to the boy, she has written that he is as cute freshly showered as not, followed by a heart and a picture of her bare thighs.

P4 has been in contact with the City of Gothenburg.

– I assume that there was no similar situation here, Kristin Perem at the HR department in the municipality.

“Had been doubtful”

The teachers’ responsibility committee assessed the teacher as “less suitable” to teach due to the intimate messages. According to the municipality, it is unclear whether the principal who was responsible for the recruitment knew her background.

– Had I known that she had received a warning from the Teachers’ Responsibility Board, I would have been doubtful, says Kristin Perem.
