What is tangerine peel tea good for, what are its benefits? How to prepare tangerine peel tea, how to brew?

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It is known that the tangerine, which is a fruit from the citrus family, also heals with its peel. It is among the fruits that are frequently consumed in the winter months when it is in season. Tea is made from the peel of the tangerine. Tea made with an easy recipe that can be prepared at home in a few minutes also contains plenty of vitamin C. It fights cough, nasal congestion and similar problems. When consumed consciously, it helps to overcome the common cold. What is the use of tangerine peel tea, which is known to protect immunity and increase the body’s resistance against diseases seen in cold weather?

What is tangerine peel tea good for?

Tangerine is also found in the tangerine peel, which contains intense vitamin C and has antioxidant properties. The tea prepared by drying the shells has many benefits. Mandarin peel tea benefits:

  • It is known to help in lowering and balancing cholesterol.
  • It helps to increase the body’s resistance against diseases such as colds, flu and flu.
  • It helps to lower sugar.
  • It gives a healthy and fresh skin appearance.
  • It relieves cough.
  • It is helpful for people with nasal congestion.
  • It contains vitamins that will be good for bronchitis disease.
  • It has an indigestion relieving effect.
  • It strengthens the immune system.
  • It has diuretic properties.
  • It helps to pay off.

It will be enough to consume one cup of tangerine peel tea a day. In this way, it helps in diseases such as bronchitis, colds and flu. Excessive consumption of tangerine peel tea may not be beneficial but harmful to allergic bodies, expectant mothers or people with some chronic diseases. It can cause problems by working the digestive system more than normal. Like any food that is consumed excessively, tangerine peel tea can cause allergic reactions when consumed in excess. For this reason, it is recommended not to consume more than one cup.

How to brew tangerine peel tea?

To make tangerine peel tea, tangerine peels should be thrown into clean drinking water that has been boiled. It should not be boiled with water for more than five minutes because all the vitamins it contains are lost. Boiling water should be added to the tangerine peels and infused. Necessary ingredients for tangerine peel tea recipe:

  • One and a half glasses of clean drinking water
  • Peels of two tangerines. If desired, the shells can be turned into powder by passing through the robot.
  • Cinnamon or ginger and honey as desired

How to make tangerine peel tea?

To prepare tangerine peel tea, first of all, the peels of fresh tangerines must be dried. It should be noted that tangerines are produced without any pesticides. Since the inner parts of the tangerine peels are a bit bitter, cleaning the peels with a knife before they come together with water will remove the bitter taste. Mandarin peel tea recipe:

  • One and a half glasses of clean drinking water is boiled.
  • The tangerine peels, which are thoroughly cleaned and the white parts are removed, are thrown into the boiling water.
  • It is allowed to brew by waiting for five minutes.
  • It can be consumed by straining with the help of a strainer.
  • It can also be drunk by adding ginger, lemon, honey or cinnamon according to taste.

Does tangerine peel tea weaken?

No food or drink has a direct weakening feature, but some foods have some features that support the diets of people who want to lose weight. Tea made from tangerine peels also facilitates digestion. It has a diuretic effect. With these features, it supports people who want to lose weight.

Does tangerine peel tea make menstruation go away?

There is no clear explanation that tea made from tangerine peel causes menstruation. However, for women whose menstrual period is painful, it can increase the resistance to pain with its immune-boosting feature.
