What is the food richest in vitamin B12?

What is the food richest in vitamin B12

Vitamin B12 has an essential role in cell renewal. It is provided exclusively by foods of animal origin.

Vitamin B12 deficiency is common in adults. “A quarter of seniors are deficient in vitamin B12 because stomach acidity decreases with age, which prevents the proper absorption of vitamin B1.2″ informs us the dietician-nutritionist Raphaël Gruman. People who do not eat meat are also more at risk. “This deficiency can lead to anemia which manifests itself as fatigue, shortness of breath and paleness. It can also manifest as nausea, decreased appetite, weight loss, difficulty concentrating and remembering. explains the dietician-nutritionist.

What is vitamin B12 used for? What benefits?

“Vitamin B12 contributes to cell division as well as the growth and maturation of red blood cells” indicates Raphaël Gruman. Vitamin B12 also plays a direct role in the functioning of nerve cells and the protection of the brain. It has a synthetic role in proteins, fatty acids and in bones. Vitamin B12 is essential in the transport of oxygen to the tissues Finally, like all B vitamins, vitamin B12 plays a role as a coenzyme to help the enzymes in our body to function.

What dose per day?

The nutritional references for vitamin B12 are 4 µg (micrograms) per day for adults, men and women. “Needs are increased among pregnant and breastfeeding women” specifies Raphaël Gruman. The nutritional references are 4.5 µg per day during pregnancy and 5 µg per day for breastfeeding women, 0.4 µg per day for infants under 6 months, 1, 5 mcg per day for infants over 6 months, 1.5 mcg per day for children 1 to 10 years old, and 2.5 mcg per day for adolescents 11 to 17 years old.

In which foods especially?

“Foods rich in vitamin B12 are seafood, offal (beef liver, chicken liver), fish, eggs” informs Raphaël Gruman. The greatest quantity of vitamin B12 found in offal:

  • Raw lamb liver: 95.8 µg of vitamin B12/100 g
  • Raw heifer liver: 95.6
  • Kidney, lamb, braised: 78.9
  • Periwinkle, cooked: 60.7
  • Cooked lamb liver: 60
  • Liver, duck, raw: 54
  • Liver, veal, cooked: 52.6

Vitamin B12 is then found in the following foods but in smaller quantities:

  • oysters (24 to 39.5 µg per 100g),
  • cod liver (15.7 µg per 100g),
  • cooked mackerel (15 to 19 µg per 100g),
  • canned sardines (14 µg per 100g),
  • cod or cooked pollack (2 to 3 µg per 100g),
  • Emmental (1 to 2.5 µg per 100g),
  • rabbit (2.2 µg per 100g)
  • hard-boiled egg (1.1 µg per 100g).

Where to find vitamin B12 when you are vegetarian?

“Vegetarians are at risk of having a vitamin B12 deficiency, this vitamin being found almost exclusively in products of animal origin” alerts the dietitian-nutritionist. Vegetarian people can succeed in having the necessary intake by consuming eggs and dairy products, in which vitamin B12 is present. A portion of milk of 150 ml (1 glass) allows an intake of 0 .7 mcg and a 250ml portion (a bowl) 1.5 mcg, 2 eggs provide 1.2 mcg of vitamin B12.However, it is essential to supplement with vitamin B12 when you are vegan.” informs the nutritionist.

In which fruits can we find vitamin B12?

Plants (fruits, starchy foods and vegetables) do not provide vitamin B12. It is the only vitamin that is absent in fruits and vegetables.

If you think you are lacking in vitamin B12, you should ask your doctor for a blood test. The treatment of vitamin B12 deficiency is based on the intake of vitamin B12 orally or parenterally (intramuscular or subcutaneous injection). After an attack treatment aimed at providing vitamin B12 to the deficient cells and building up a stock, a maintenance treatment is put in place to cover the vitamin B12 needs for life if the pathology responsible for the deficiency is irreversible.

Thanks to Raphaël Gruman, dietician-nutritionist
