What is sexual therapy with hypnosis? Is hypnosis effective in the treatment of vaginismus?

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Hypnosis is one of the treatment methods applied mainly to mental and psychological disorders. Hypnosis is considered one of the alternative medicine practices. Like other alternative medicine methods, hypnosis can have some side effects. For this reason, it is an application that should not be done by a specialist without the approval of a doctor. The application of hypnosis can be done for different problems to the person deemed appropriate by the experts. Some of these problems are: Sleeping problem, eating disorders, fears, inability to control anger, excessive anxiety, sexual problems.

Hypnosis is a word of Greek origin and means sleep. It is also the name of a method that has been used since the eighteenth century. In this method, the patient consciously leaves his or her control to the person who will perform the hypnosis. There are five different ways of hypnosis. Hypnosis and sexual therapy applications, which can be applied for problems such as different fears, constant anxiety, and insomnia, are also performed. One of the problems in which this application is used most frequently is problems and difficulties in sexual function.

What are sexual diseases treated with hypnosis?

According to the statements made by experts, the main purpose of hypnosis is to reach the subconscious of the person and raise awareness about the anxiety and distress experienced. In this sense, it is also possible to treat vaginismus with hypnosis and hypnotherapy. Some of the sexual problems that can be treated by applying hypnosis are as follows:

  • premature ejaculation
  • Loss of sexual desire
  • The problem of not being able to orgasm
  • erectile dysfunction
  • vaginismus

What are the benefits of sex therapy with hypnosis?

It is known that if any possible side effects of this method have not been determined for the person beforehand and the application will be made, the application of hypnosis method in the treatment of vaginismus will be a long-term solution for the person. Some of the benefits of hypnosis and hypnotherapy applications for sexual problems can be listed as follows:

  • Physical and mental relaxation
  • Relief from anxiety
  • Relief from traumas caused by harassment and similar situations related to this issue in the past

It is extremely important that hypnosis is applied correctly and done by experts. Otherwise, unforeseen and serious side effects may occur. These effects may vary according to the person’s constitution.
