What is good for vomiting in children, what should be done after vomiting? How is vomiting in children treated at home, what stops vomiting?

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One of the most feared situations for parents with young children is diarrhea and vomiting in children. Especially young children put everything they find into their mouths and touch them in order to recognize the objects around them as a stage of development. Because of this, viruses and bacteria can easily enter their body. In this case, deterioration in the digestive and excretory systems occurs and this brings along health problems such as diarrhea and vomiting. In children who are a little older in age, vomiting and diarrhea may occur in environments such as parks and gardens, as they interact with too many bacteria during the day and cannot fully perform their personal cleaning.

Health problems such as diarrhea and vomiting are more common in children than adults. The fact that children are vulnerable causes them to suffer more from external factors. All kinds of infection problems such as intestinal infection, urinary tract infection and throat infection, which usually occur in children, show symptoms through vomiting. Vomiting helps to remove harmful substances from the patient’s body and relaxes him. Despite all this, babies who continue to breastfeed have vomiting, which is a natural process that is not harmful. Causes of vomiting in children:

  • Various infectious diseases
  • middle ear inflammation
  • Meningitis
  • Food poisoning
  • Head trauma, meningitis
  • Stomach and intestinal diseases
  • Appendicitis
  • Psychological or social problems

If your child or baby has symptoms of vomiting, a doctor should be consulted. The causes of vomiting in children most often occur as a symptom of a disease. For this reason, no treatment method should be applied without knowing the root cause of vomiting.

How is vomiting in children?

First of all, after your child vomits, wash his hands and face thoroughly and let him come to himself. In order for children to overcome the problem of vomiting, make them consume simple foods that will not disturb their stomach, such as rice, applesauce, banana, toast and potatoes. Make them consume liquids such as fruit juice and buttermilk to remove the fluid they lose from their bodies, minimize nausea and prevent vomiting.

What stops vomiting in children?

There are many methods used to stop vomiting in children. Here are some ways you can prevent vomiting in children:

  • Mint and lemon, boiling mint with a tablespoon of lemon juice and drinking it together with honey stops vomiting.
  • Consuming ginger by removing its juice and adding honey to it.
  • A few drops of coconut water is effective in stopping vomiting.

What is good for vomiting in children?

There are several natural ways to relieve nausea and prevent vomiting in children. Methods you can apply at home:

  • Consuming saltine crackers: Crackers are very important in absorbing the acids in the stomach, which prevents nausea and vomiting.
  • Drinking plenty of fluids: It is important to drink plenty of fluids to help prevent dehydration if she is vomiting a lot and is unable to prevent it. Sip slowly on the liquids you consume because your stomach may react adversely and trigger vomiting again. For those who do not want to consume water and vomit more when they consume water, herbal teas can be consumed.
  • Apply acupressure to their wrists: Acupressure is a very popular treatment method in China. In this method, pressure is applied to stimulate certain points on the body to relieve symptoms. Applying pressure to the Neiguan(P6) point on the palm of the forearm, close to your wrist, helps relieve nausea and vomiting.

After nausea and vomiting, many herbal methods are good for the digestive system. Herbal methods play an important role in relaxing and resting the digestive system. Herbal methods that are good for vomiting in children:

  • Thanks to the minerals it contains, yogurt balances your stomach acids and eliminates vomiting.
  • With the effect of menthol in mint, it will give a feeling of freshness and coolness to the stomach. Thus, it is a very effective method against vomiting. In addition, when you carry peppermint oil and peppermint candy with you, it minimizes the feeling of nausea and vomiting that may occur during the day.
  • Consuming bananas, as they are rich in fiber, relaxes the stomach and helps regulate the digestive system.
  • Thanks to the antioxidant components it contains, ginger tea kills microbes and removes toxins from the body.
  • The aroma of cloves soothes the stomach and is good for indigestion and gas problems.

Often, children have factors such as diarrhea and vomiting as symptoms or consequences of certain health problems. There are two parts of our body that are easily affected by these health problems. One is the digestive system and the other is the excretory system. Various bacteria enter our body, from the food we eat to the doorknobs we touch during the day. These viruses or bacteria that enter our body first affect the digestive system and then the excretory system, which increases the rate of water removed from the body. As a result, this sudden loss of water causes the body to become exhausted. Methods for diarrhea and vomiting in children:

  • During this period when the body loses a lot of water, children should drink plenty of water during the day.
  • In case of diarrhea, foods that reduce bowel movements and are not difficult to digest should be consumed. For example, bananas, peaches, rice, potatoes, apples, bread, yogurt.
  • If the child has not been weaned from breast milk, the mother should continue to suckle during this period. Breast milk plays an important role in minimizing diarrhea.

If the child’s condition has not changed within 24-48 hours, it is necessary to go to the nearest health institution. Because during the process of the child’s health problems, the rate of water removed from the body will increase and it may cause other health problems in the process that it does not improve.

What is good for frequent vomiting in children?

Children’s immune system is weaker and more sensitive than adults. In this case, it shows that anything can easily affect them. Vomiting is one of them. As a symptom of every health problem in children, they vomit frequently. The following methods can be used to prevent frequent vomiting in children:

  • Food should be consumed slowly at room temperature to rest the stomach.
  • Fatty foods should be avoided and light foods should be consumed.
  • Nausea and foods that trigger vomiting should be avoided.

Vomiting, which occurs frequently in children, can also occur due to other reasons. Even if there is no improvement, the child should be taken to the doctor and checked by a specialist. Attention should be paid to the effects of the methods you use on children. The methods used should be checked against any side effects and allergic conditions.

What is good for the stomach after vomiting in children?

First of all, after vomiting, children’s stomach should be rested. In this situation, it should be ensured that they do not move much and stay in a place at room temperature. This allows the stomach to recover in a short time and minimizes the next vomiting. After vomiting, light foods can be consumed as the stomach will empty. Things to do after vomiting in children:

  • Avoiding overly salty and overly sweet foods
  • consuming lots of water
  • Do not stay indoors
  • Avoiding bad odors
