It can be 30 degrees here on Thursday

During Wednesday, the hottest day of the year so far was measured with temperatures of just over 27 degrees in the Gothenburg region and also high summer heat in other parts of the country.

Keep wearing your swimming trunks and slather on sunscreen – because it’s going to be even hotter on Thursday.

– In the areas around Gothenburg, it is not impossible for the temperature to rise to 30 degrees. But watch out during the late afternoon, when local thunderstorms can move in, says TV4’s meteorologist Madeleine Westin.

That’s how long the heat lasts

Madeleine Westin announces that the high summer heat will last until Friday when there will be more modest temperatures. But don’t despair – by the weekend it will rise again.

– The temperature is a good bit above what is normal for the time of year throughout the country, she says.

Are there any warnings out there related to the heat?

– It is very dry, so the southern half has warnings out for forest fires and the northern half has warnings out for grass fires as last year’s grass is very dry.

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