What is good for cold, what should be done when the baby and child are cold? What are the symptoms and treatment of colds?

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Usually, the problem of catching a cold occurs with cold weather. Symptoms such as sore throat, fever, diarrhea and runny nose in individuals suggest a cold problem. Accordingly, people search for things that are good for cold and herbal solutions that support the treatment of this ailment. As with any disease, if you experience cold symptoms, you should first consult a specialist doctor. However, with the approval of the specialist doctor, cures such as mint lemon and ginger with honey, which are good for colds, can be consumed.

What are the symptoms and treatment of colds?

It is known that both adults, children and babies have a cold problem, especially in cold weather. Accordingly, it is possible for people to apply to a specialist doctor and to apply cures such as mint lemon and ginger with honey in addition to the treatment of colds. However, before talking about the herbal solutions that are good for the cold problem in detail, the causes and symptoms of this ailment should also be mentioned. In this context, it can be said that a cold basically indicates a viral infection. However, the common cold, also known as the common cold, can develop due to both intestinal infection and upper respiratory tract infection. In this context, the causes of upper respiratory tract infection and stomach cold are:

  • The common cold, which usually goes away on its own within a few days, can occur once or several times a year in adults and children. This condition is caused by upper respiratory tract viruses.
  • Stomach flu is one of the common ailments in society. Here is a viral infection that develops in the intestines. Therefore, it can be said that stomach cold is usually caused by consuming foods contaminated with the virus or by having close contact with infected people.
  • Symptoms such as fever, diarrhea, runny nose, weakness, body aches and sore throat are seen in the cold problem due to the upper respiratory tract.
  • Common symptoms of a stomach flu include fever, diarrhea, stomach pain and cramping.

What’s good for a cold?

It can be said that many people seek herbal solutions for the cold that is often experienced in cold weather. Because it is possible to support the treatment process of this ailment, which usually goes away on its own within a few days, with natural cures. But “How do you get a cold?” The answer to the question “A hospital should be consulted first.” can be presented as As a matter of fact, the symptoms seen as symptoms of cold can be associated with different disorders, although rarely. So “I have a cold, what should I do?” People who seek an answer to the question should be told that they must first consult a specialist doctor. However, the things that are good for cold as natural remedies can be listed as follows:

  • Rest: It is inevitable to experience body aches and fatigue due to cold. Therefore, as experts recommend, it is necessary to take time to rest in the treatment of colds. In addition, home rest prevents the spread of the infection that causes cold to different people.
  • Drinking soup: It is stated that some types of soup are extremely effective in relieving cold symptoms such as nasal congestion and fatigue. Among these soup varieties, chicken and trotter soup come to the fore.
  • Consuming plenty of fluids: Herbal teas, natural fruit juices and water consumption play a very important role in the treatment process of colds. By preventing water loss, the body can be supported to gain resistance and fight infection.
  • Gargling: “What’s good for a cold, what can I do at home?” It can be said that one of the most popular answers to the question is to gargle. Because sore throat, which is one of the main symptoms of cold, can be alleviated by gargling regularly. In addition, the progression of throat infection can be prevented, especially if gargling with salt water.
  • Consuming lozenges: Throat lozenges, which are among herbal supplements, are very effective in relieving sore throat, one of the common symptoms of cold. In addition, thanks to the throat lozenges with natural ingredients, it is possible to support the intake of vitamins.

What is good for cold and shivering?

It is also possible to experience chills in the cold problem, where symptoms such as body pain and sore throat are seen. Because the symptom of high fever commonly develops in chills. Accordingly, it is natural for the body to show a trembling reflex. Resting and drinking plenty of water, which are good for colds, can also play a role in preventing shivering. In addition, after consulting a specialist doctor, it is possible to consume hot drinks to prevent tremor symptoms. However, it is absolutely necessary to go to the hospital for the tremor problem that continues despite the use of medical treatment and herbal cures.

What is good for cold sores?

When a person has a cold problem, they may start looking for various solutions to relieve body pain. However, in general, if a specialist doctor is consulted for the problem of cold, the painkillers taken are effective in relieving this symptom. Again, on the recommendation of the specialist doctor, natural foods such as liquid drinks and soup and herbal tea play a role in relieving body aches.

Soup, mint-lemon, ginger tea and stinging nettle tea can be consumed to relieve pain associated with chills. Resting during the treatment process of cold also plays an important role in the prevention or alleviation of body aches. However, the person who begins to feel that he is getting better during the cold treatment process can take action to alleviate the body aches due to this ailment by doing light exercises.

What is good for cold feet?

The cold problem occurs due to upper respiratory tract or intestinal infections. However, problems such as cold feet can also be experienced, especially in cold weather. This situation is mostly related to the feet getting cold air from the floor and accordingly experiencing stomach or intestinal complaints. Therefore, in order to prevent cold feet, it may be recommended to wear thick socks to keep the feet warm in cold weather. Again, consuming hot herbal teas and consuming plenty of vegetables and fruits are among the practices that can be good for cold feet.

What to do when the baby has a cold?

Common cold, common cold, and common cold among the people can be seen in adults and children, as well as in infants. The first thing to do if babies have cold symptoms is to go to the doctor. Parents should take their babies with colds to a pediatrician. Accordingly, the pediatrician will create the appropriate treatment plan for the baby with cold symptoms.

As a precautionary measure, the baby who has a cold problem can drink mint lemon or ginger tea in appropriate amounts with the doctor’s advice. Again, in case of cold, babies who switch to complementary foods can be fed vegetable and fruit purees in consultation with their pediatrician. It should also be noted that a baby with cold symptoms is drinking enough water. Finally, if the baby who has a cold problem has a nasal congestion problem, it is possible to use a tulu water syringe by consulting the pediatrician.

What to do with a cold child?

As in adults and babies, certain issues play a role in the treatment processes of children with cold problems. In this context, it is necessary to pay attention to the following issues in children with the onset of cold symptoms:

  • First of all, it is necessary to consult a specialist.
  • Make sure they drink plenty of fluids.
  • Let him rest and rest.
  • Ensure that she consumes 4-5 servings of vegetables and fruits daily.
  • Make sure she consumes natural drinks such as mint lemon, honey ginger and nettle tea.
  • If there is no problem of weakness and fever, take a breather and take short walks.

It can be said that the cold problem seen in children can be healed in a short time if the above-listed issues are followed. In addition, it is extremely important to keep the feet warm in order to prevent the problem of colds due to intestinal infection in children. If the child has nasal congestion due to a cold, this symptom must be reported to the specialist doctor. Accordingly, nasal sprays that provide relief from nasal congestion can be used with the recommendation of an expert.
