What is good for B12 deficiency? What are the natural methods that can be applied at home with foods that eliminate B12 deficiency?

What is good for B12 deficiency What are the natural

One of the most important functions of vitamin B12 in the body is to provide DNA synthesis for cell divisions and proliferation. In the case of vitamin B12 deficiency, especially the production of blood cells slows down and these cells remain weak and unhealthy. Another important effect of vitamin B12 stores in the body is on the neurological system. Not having enough vitamin B12 in the body causes various problems in the nervous system.

The Harms of B12 Deficiency

The most important food source that is good for B12 deficiency is animal foods. When these foods are not taken; The most common problems known to result from B12 deficiency are forgetfulness and dizziness. Both of these problems are associated with a shortage of nerve cells.

  • In individuals who do not have healthy vitamin B12 stores, nerve cells cannot be fed, their functions of creating, storing and transmitting healthy information cannot be fulfilled, so forgetfulness begins.
  • B12 deficiency; It can cause other neurological complaints such as fatigue, insomnia, headache, exhaustion, dizziness, balance disorder, focusing problem, numbness of hands and feet, cramps.
  • B12 deficiency may be at the root of mental disorders, even mental problems up to depression. Since complaints such as dizziness and balance disorders are also symptoms of much more serious diseases, the lives of individuals can turn into a nightmare until a diagnosis of B12 deficiency is made. With advanced examinations such as magnetic resonance imaging (MR), tomography, bad possibilities such as brain tumor and cancer may need to be eliminated.
  • Numerous problems such as anemia, loss of appetite, shortness of breath, heart palpitations, muscle aches due to insufficient blood cells can also be experienced due to B12 deficiency.

How to Fix B12 Deficiency?

  • The point that should not be forgotten in the elimination of vitamin B12 deficiency is that the body cannot produce this vitamin. Vitamin B12 must be taken from the outside with food, especially animal foods or supplements, and added to body stores. Then, this water-soluble vitamin is taken out of the body after being absorbed into the body’s stores. The first step in eliminating B12 deficiency is to evaluate your vitamin stores with a specialist by having regular blood counts, and to review both your diet and the sources you can take supplements from with expert guidance.
  • The main source of vitamin B12 is animal protein. The reason why B12 deficiency and related health problems are mostly associated with vegetarianism is that those who eat only plant foods cannot get enough B12. The best sources of vitamin B12 include meat, eggs, fish, poultry, which are all animal foods. Even if red meat is not consumed, animal protein needs should be sought with eggs, dairy products and, if possible, fish. The situation for vegans is more complicated. Vegan diet does not include any by-products derived from animals such as milk, eggs, yogurt. For this reason, with the guidance of a specialist, oral medications or vitamin supplements can be taken with B12 injections.
  • B12 deficiency can also be seen in individuals despite adequate and balanced nutrition. In this case, it is necessary to check whether there is a situation that prevents B12 absorption in the body. As much as taking the vitamin into the body, it is important that it goes through a healthy absorption process in the stomach and intestines in terms of bringing it to the stores. The existence of other factors such as drug use and intestinal diseases that interfere with this process should be questioned. For example, it is known that drugs used in stomach disorders and taking stomach acid also reduce B12 absorption. Therefore, it is not correct to use drugs in every heartburn. Some diseases, such as cancer and ulcers, may also have a negative effect on B12 absorption. In this case, it will be necessary to deal with the absorption problem with the guidance of an expert.
  • Less common possibilities such as excessive alcohol consumption, autoimmune diseases, problems in the small intestine, gene mutations, and thyroid problems should also be investigated in terms of a decrease in B12 levels. Identifying the source of the problem is the most important step in eliminating vitamin B12 deficiency. In this way, if the fault is the eating habit, nutritional mistakes can be eliminated, the diet can be given an emphasis on animal protein, or alcohol consumption can be reduced. The important thing is to determine which of the reasons listed above negatively affects the B12 level in the body.

What is Good for B12 Deficiency?

In order to maintain the health of cells, which are the building blocks of the human body, it is essential to keep B12 stores at sufficient or even high levels. Particular attention is drawn to the importance of B12 in infants, children, pregnant and lactating mothers. Keeping the B12 level above a certain level in adults and the elderly will also increase the quality of life.

B12 deficiency and anemia are common health problems, especially in women. This may be due to the fact that women experience hormonal change periods such as breastfeeding, pregnancy, menopause, and that they are in a regular menstrual cycle. If the energy and blood cells lost each month cannot be replaced, health problems occur.

Trying to skip meals with salad, skipping meals, applying an unconscious diet program, not consuming enough animal protein causes B12 deficiency and therefore weakness, chronic fatigue, dizziness and forgetfulness.

In B12 deficiency, it is necessary to apply a balanced and adequate nutrition program and to support vegetable consumption with animal proteins. Plenty of fish, seafood, eggs, milk, yogurt, cheese should be consumed.

Liver and offal should also be included in the diet. If frequent consumption of red meat is not possible due to cholesterol or heart problems, vitamin B12 supplements should be reviewed.

Vegan and vegetarian diets should be discussed with internists especially about benefiting from B12 injections and pills.

Foods That Are Good For B12 Deficiency

While researching what is good for B12 deficiency, some foods are encountered. Thanks to the foods containing B12, the B12 supplement that the body needs is provided. Foods that are good for B12 deficiency:

1. Red Meat

It is known that beef and lamb meats contain high levels of vitamin B12. Red meat is also a food group rich in iron, zinc and protein. It is known that red meat is a blood builder, helps physical and mental development, and strengthens immunity. In case of excessive consumption, it can cause problems such as atherosclerosis, cardiovascular diseases, so it is beneficial to consume it in moderation.

While consuming red meat, it is necessary to consider the way the meat is cooked. Fries, heavy oily and sauced meals are not recommended by health circles. Instead, heart-friendly options such as boiled, oil-free grilling should be preferred. The broth of the meat should also be used in boiling. It can be consumed with salad as much as possible.

2. Liver

Liver, which is a red meat product, is rich in B12, especially lamb liver. Consuming the liver, which contains more than the daily need when consumed regularly, without exaggeration, is beneficial in terms of B12 reserves of the body. Excessive consumption will invite various problems, especially cholesterol.

When consuming liver, care should be taken not to prepare the liver by frying it in plenty of oil. It can be added to the diet in the form of a grill, on a limited basis, within the scope of expert advice. Especially people with cholesterol problems should create a nutrition program suitable for them.

3. Milk and Dairy Products

Vitamin B12 is found in milk, yogurt, cheese and kefir. Especially cheese varieties are rich in B vitamins, they also contain vitamins B5 and B6. Depending on the type of cheese, the amount of vitamin B12 it contains may vary. Milk and dairy products also contain protein and calcium.

B12 is also found in the whey that comes out during cheese making. Not throwing away and evaluating this water, especially in meals prepared for children; It is recommended by experts to use it in the production of soups, pudding and bakery products.

4 eggs

Egg, which is one of the most natural protein sources, is in the first place in the diets of people who eat protein-rich, especially athletes, and is also a strong source of vitamin B12. One of the reasons why athletes are fit can be shown as the proficiency in B12 stores.

Even if vegetarians do not eat meat, they should focus on eggs. In this way, they can meet the B12 deficiency caused by not eating meat with the vitamin found in eggs, and they can also meet their protein needs from eggs. It is also discussed that eggs are among the foods that should be avoided in terms of cholesterol. It can be boiled or consumed as a fat-free omelet.

5. Fish

Seafood is also one of the answers to the question of what to eat in B12 deficiency. Fish roe is one of the foods containing the most B12. Fish is also a source of omega3, and experts recommend it to be consumed regularly. It should be included in your diet at least once a week.

Among the fish, mackerel, sardines and tuna can be recommended as good sources of B12. During the cooking of fish, it can cause a decrease in the vitamin B12 in its content, this should be paid attention to. The water should not be poured while the fish is being boiled. It can be consumed with boiled fish broth or grilled. As with other foods, frying fish should be avoided.

6. Shellfish

Shellfish are among the important sources of vitamin B12. Mussels and oysters can be counted in the first place among these seafood products. Although it is consumed less frequently than fish in our country, B12 is also found in octopus, crab and lobster.

As a country surrounded by seas and where fishing is common, marine life should be better known and utilized. These seafood rich in B12 and omega will help increase blood cells, develop nerve cells, and feel healthy and fit.

Especially those who do not consume meat are recommended to include fish and other seafood in their diet. Consumption of these products in children, pregnant and lactating mothers should definitely be under the supervision of a specialist. These products also contain substances such as mercury that can harm the body if consumed excessively.

7. Vegetables and Fruits Containing B12

There is controversy regarding the presence of B12 in plants. For this reason, it is recommended that vegetarians and especially those who eat vegans take B12 supplements as injections or pills. Otherwise, the human body cannot meet the B12 level it needs and health problems develop.

Although there are claims that B12 is found in various vegetables and fruits, fermented foods, yeasts, algae, algae and their derivatives, their active use by the human body is controversial. For this reason, it is necessary to approach and research the vegetables and fruits listed as B12 sources with suspicion. Vitamin B12 is a vitamin that comes from animal foods.

What are the Nuts Good for B12 Deficiency?

  • Similarly, it is argued by health circles that there is no vitamin B12 in non-animal foods, and even if it is found, it can be used by the human body.
  • Foods such as molasses, raisins, prunes can be good for iron deficiency, which causes anemia.
  • Tahini and sesame are also rich in iron. The way to get B12 other than animal food can be fortified foods.
  • There are options available today, such as fortified soy milk, fortified yeast, fortified breakfast cereals, but these should be explored.
  • Taking B12 directly by injection in the form of daily, weekly, monthly doses recommended by your internist may also be an option.
