Rouen: an armed man threatening to “set fire to the synagogue” neutralized by the police

Rouen an armed man threatening to set fire to the

An individual “obviously wishing to set fire to the synagogue” in Rouen was “neutralized” by the police this Friday morning according to the Minister of the Interior, Gérald Darmanin.

An attempted anti-Semitic attack in Rouen? Police officers “neutralized” an “armed individual clearly wanting to set fire to the city’s synagogue” indicated the Minister of the Interior, Gérald Darmanin, in a message posted on X this Friday morning. The events took place early in the morning after the police were alerted to a fire breaking out near the religious establishment.

The suspect was armed with a knife and tried to attack a police officer according to testimonies cited by BFMTV. THE Parisian adds that the man was shot dead by the police. Which were congratulated by the Minister of the Interior for “their responsiveness and courage”.

“A new anti-Semitic drama”

It is “a new anti-Semitic drama in our country” which was avoided thanks to the intervention of the police according to the president of the Central Consistory of France, Elie Korchia. The representative of the Jewish community thanked the police on X.

The mayor of Rouen, Nicolas Mayer-Rossignol (PS) also reacted and believes that “through this attack and this attempted fire on the Rouen synagogue, it is not only the Jewish community that is affected. “The entire city of Rouen is bruised and in shock.” The city councilor sent his “thoughts and full support to the Jewish community”.
