What are the benefits of apple peel tea? How to make apple peel tea?

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The apple, whose existence and consumption has continued throughout history, is among the easiest and most frequently consumed fruits. The peel of this fruit, which is found in almost every home, is as useful as itself. There are various methods of taking advantage of the benefits of apple peel, which many experts draw attention to. The most preferred method among these is the consumption of apple peel as a tea by brewing. So, what is the use of apple peel tea recommended by experts?

What is apple peel tea good for?

The most common way of taking advantage of the benefits of apple peel, which is a rich source of quercetin and antioxidants, is apple peel tea prepared by brewing. Apple peel tea, which plays a supportive role in the elimination of different diseases and ailments, is considered among the healing teas that produce miraculous results. The benefits of apple peel tea, known for its positive effects on upper respiratory ailments, are as follows:

  • It helps to remove toxins from the body.
  • Balances blood sugar levels.
  • It helps to relieve and reduce sore throat.
  • It strengthens the immune system and increases the body’s resistance to diseases.
  • Protects liver health.
  • It plays a role in helping to burn fat in the body.
  • It helps to eliminate the problem of anemia by increasing the blood-forming cells.
  • By showing positive effects on skin health, it makes the skin look more lively and bright.
  • It has positive effects on oral health.
  • It helps to relieve gingival disorders and oral wounds.
  • It supports weight loss thanks to its metabolism-accelerating effect.

Apple peel tea, which is consumed to increase the body’s resistance to diseases, especially in winter, has no known side effects. However, in case of any allergic reaction, consumption of apple peel tea should be stopped. In addition, people with chronic diseases, pregnant and breastfeeding women are recommended to consult a doctor before use. It is very important to prepare the right tea so that the side effects of this tea do not occur or the benefits can show the effect.

How to make apple peel tea?

Ingredients for apple peel tea recipe:

  • Peel of 1 apple
  • 2 glasses of water
  • 1 teaspoon of cloves
  • 1 cinnamon stick
  • 4-5 drops of lemon juice

How to brew apple peel tea?

  • Peel and dry 1 apple.
  • Add 1 teaspoon of cloves and 1 cinnamon stick to 2 glasses of water and bring to a boil over low heat.
  • After your tea has boiled for 15 minutes, pour it into a cup.
  • Add 4-5 drops of lemon juice and serve.
  • It is recommended to consume one glass a day within 10 minutes of brewing apple peel tea.

Does apple peel weaken tea?

Many people who are overweight look for different solutions to lose weight. The most common of these ways is herbal teas that help weight loss. The positive effects of herbal teas, which are known to be of natural origin, but are known to be healthier, are observed in the weight loss journey. However, no herbal tea alone has a weakening effect. Herbal teas have a supporting role in the weight loss journey besides sports and diet. Herbal teas that accelerate metabolism or give a feeling of satiety help those who want to lose weight on this journey to get positive results. Thanks to the metabolism-accelerating effect of apple peel tea, it is among the herbal teas that help to lose weight.

Does apple peel tea cause menstruation?

Due to different reasons such as hormonal changes, irregularities in sleep or diet, stress, women’s menstrual periods, which usually repeat in 28 days, occasionally occur. Many women resort to menstrual pills to help get rid of these irregularities. Especially because it is natural and healthy, they usually find the solution to the situation in herbal teas that develop natural menstrual-reducing effects. In addition, many women resort to herbal teas not only for the purpose of diuretic, but also to reduce the pain and stress they experience during their menstrual periods. There are many herbal teas that women consume to relieve different ailments experienced during their menstrual periods, but apple peel tea is not a herbal tea used as a menstrual reliever or pain reliever.
