Veolia sells Suez waste business in the UK to Macquarie

Veolia sells Suez waste business in the UK to Macquarie

(Finance) – The French company Veolia Environment announced the sale of the Suez waste business in the UK to the Australian Macquarie Group for a sum of 2.4 billion euros, with the aim of solving the antitrust problems that arose after the business combination of Veolia and Suez.

“Following this transaction, Veolia will remain a major player in the UK waste sector and, more broadly, in the environmental services market in the region, which remains strategic for the group,” he said. Estelle BrachlianoffCEO of Veolia.

The sale of the Suez waste business in the UK responds to the main concerns of the British competition authority CMA, explains the Group, adding that after the remedies agreed with the European Commission and the signing of the agreement with Macquarie Asset Management, the almost all of the divestments are finalized within one year of the acquisition of Suez.
