Utrecht Reading Offensive founded: 39 organizations and foundations want to make Utrecht residents more proficient in language

Utrecht Reading Offensive founded 39 organizations and foundations want to

The participants in the Utrecht Reading Offensive at a glance: Utrecht Library, Broese, Buren Help Buren, Neighborhood Team, Digiwijs 3.0, Dock, FC Utrecht, Gilde Utrecht, HKU, HU, Humanitas, ILFU, IMC Weekend School Utrecht, Immer, De Utrechtse Kinderboekwinkel, KSU , Leergeld Utrecht, Reading and Writing Foundation, Lokalis, Marnix Academy, Mbo Utrecht, McDonalds Utrecht, Beautiful Words, Nuovo Schools, PCOU Willibrord, Prago, ROC Midden Nederland, Savannah Bay, SPO Utrecht, Taal Doet Meer, U Centraal , UMC Utrecht, Utrecht University, University for Humanistics, De Utrechtse Boekenbar, Veen Bosch & Keuning, VCUtrecht, VoorleesExpress.
