The Chinese company’s robot dog has started to travel on two legs

The Chinese companys robot dog has started to travel on

The Chinese company’s wheeled robot dog has also started to travel on two legs. Different forms continue to be brought together in interesting ways. is being.

The Chinese behind this robot called “W1” LimX Dynamics The company is located. W1, which is basically a robot dog but with wheels on its feet With the improvements made, it can now move on its two legs and thus transition from small to humanoid form.. The company, which reveals the robot dog that can maintain its balance well in the video above, explains that the robot can rotate 360 ​​degrees and is 152 cm tall when it stands up. The robot, which can travel largely without crashing into its environment and can continue on its way by making the necessary maneuvers when it crashes, is currently in the testing and development phase and is among the future solutions considered for many different investigation / search and rescue scenarios. LimX Dynamics It’s not the first time it’s been on our agenda, it’s the newest robot that was subjected to violence for testing last month. Biped Robot P1 had happened. And behind this robot LimX Dynamics The company was located. Biped Robot P1, which we can call a semi-humanoid robot since it does not have arms, is an option that moves on two legs and can establish its balance very well on uneven terrain. The robot, which has attracted a lot of attention with the test video you can watch below, can withstand impacts very well, unlike some of its counterparts. Making another interesting demonstration for the future, P1 may become even more capable by gaining functional arms in the future.

Before this, Unitree H1, one of the ambitious options developed in China, made a splash as it was the first humanoid robot that could do a backflip without using hydraulics. Unitree H1, It has attracted attention in recent months as the newest option that stimulates the competition in the field. When the model was launched on the market according to the previous statement It can be purchased for approximately 90 thousand dollars. H1, which is announced to be 180 cm tall and weighs 47 kg, can carry a load of 30 kg, and its joints, equipped with the company’s own developed 360 Nm M107 engines, can operate with great flexibility.

The robot, which is actively developing special hands with flexible fingers, has a Intel RealSense D435i With its camera system, it can perceive its surroundings in depth and at the same time LiDAR It also carries. It was previously said that the robot, which is equipped with an 864-Wh battery but whose maximum usage time has not yet been announced, can run 1.5 meters per second on rough terrain and 5 meters per second on smooth terrain.

First of all, it was announced that the robot broke the world record in its class by traveling 3.3 meters per second. You can see the speed it reaches with its thin feet in the video below. The robot can go up and down stairs and dance at the same time, as shown in the same video. Humanoid robot that has no problems with balance and can withstand impacts like Boston Dynamics’ humanoid robot Atlas Unitree H1, It is still in the prototype stage, and the company is at least three years away from commercial launch.
