DIRECT. New Caledonia: Emmanuel Macron ready to remain without “limits” to restore peace?

DIRECT New Caledonia Emmanuel Macron ready to remain without limits

07:54 – Law enforcement will remain on site

The soldiers deployed in New Caledonia “will stay as long as necessary, even during the Olympic and Paralympic Games” indicates the president in Nouméa. All law enforcement agencies are concerned, in other words, soon 3,000 men and women will be deployed in overseas territory. “The situation which is still ongoing today obviously concerns me,” he indicated.

07:51 – Emmanuel Macron wishes a return to peace, calm, security”

Emmanuel Macron has arrived in New Caledonia. “The priority of priorities, as quickly as possible”, is a “return to peace, calm, security” he indicated once he arrived in Nouméa. The head of state says he is “alongside the population”.

05/22/24 – 11:48 p.m. – Emmanuel Macron arrived in New Caledonia

[Fin du direct] Emmanuel Macron is traveling to New Caledonia for a surprise visit. The head of state wants to regain control, more than a week after the start of riots on the archipelago. He landed on the island on Thursday morning (local time). Emmanuel Macron must meet in the morning the elected officials of New Caledonia but also economic players and union representatives.

05/22/24 – 11:20 p.m. – Towards “reinforced mobilization” of the separatists

With Emmanuel Macron’s trip to New Caledonia, the separatists, who hold certain routes, announced “an increased mobilization”. “We remain mobilized […] as long as the State persists in unfreezing the provincial electoral body”, assured the Field Action Coordination Unit. The organization intends in particular to block the junction of the two main roads giving access to the north of the island Thursday May 23.

22/05/24 – 22:23 – A visit that could last two days for Emmanuel Macron

Emmanuel Macron’s visit to New Caledonia could last up to two days. The Head of State will visit Germany from Sunday to Tuesday, the Elysée announced on Wednesday. Thus, the President of the Republic should leave Paris “Sunday in the middle of the day for Berlin”, underlined a presidential advisor to Agence France-Presse.

05/22/24 – 9:27 p.m. – The arrival of Emmanuel Macron, “a political poker move”?

Guest on BFMTV, the vice-president of the Southern Province of New Caledonia, Philippe Blaise believes that Emmanuel Macron’s arrival on the island is “a political poker move”. “I’m not sure he has a magic wand and can solve all the problems in 24 hours,” he explains. “We would not understand with everything we have suffered that the State would show weakness,” he adds. “The prerequisite for any serious discussion is the return to public order.”

05/22/24 – 8:40 p.m. – The cyberattack will have “no long-term consequences”

No less than 95,000 connection attempts in a few seconds were identified in an “unprecedented attack” for the island. The cyberattack will have “no long-term consequences”, the French Computer Security Agency told AFP on Wednesday. The attack lasted “a few hours” against the archipelago’s telecoms operator. “There is no intrusion into the information systems of the operator concerned, nor of its various clients.”
