Ungdcec, Cataldi: “The two-year preventive agreement remains within the scope of accountants”

Ungdcec Cataldi The two year preventive agreement remains within the scope

(Finance) – “On the topic of the biennial composition with creditors, we hope that the Legislator will keep in mind that the category of chartered accountants and accounting experts is fundamental and central, as the activity of assistance to customers in cross-examination, or in any case of evaluation of the customer acceptance will require not only fiscal but also forecasting skills”. He states it Francesco Cataldi, president of the National Union of young accountants and accounting experts.

“Our category – he states Cataldi – is constantly committed to offering specialized skills that are essential to ensure efficient and responsible financial management.”

“The training path followed by chartered accountants, which includes compulsory internship, degree, continuous training, professional ethics, and ministerial supervision, – underlines Federico Giotti, national councilor of the UNGDCEC – represents a solid basis of guarantees for taxpayers, the Treasury and the entire economic system of the country. The distinction between regulated and unregulated professions is of fundamental importance for the protection of public interests and financial stability.”
