Twitter brings its new feature to everyone who uses the service in Turkish LOG

Twitter brings its new feature to everyone who uses the

Twitter, made an official announcement today and announced that they are bringing the “Reply Prompts” feature to everyone who uses Twitter in Turkish.

About subject twitterAfter a successful trial period of the Turkish Response Prompts feature, we will make this feature available to all users who use Twitter in Turkish, globally, for iOS, Android and Web from August 2nd.” explained and added: “Twitter has been testing this feature in various parts of the world since the beginning of 2022. The Reply Prompts feature appears when we detect potentially harmful language (insults, vulgar language, or hateful words) in response to a Tweet. This feature gives people a chance to rethink what they write and potentially delete or change the answer.

“Last year, we launched the response prompts feature for people in the US and Brazil as a way to make conversations more civilized and improve the health of public speaking on Twitter. This test resulted in 30% of people in the US and 47% of people in Brazil changing or deleting their answers after being asked. concluded.


After testing this feature in Turkish, we are ready to offer it to anyone who has Turkish language settings all over the world. We will continue to test this feature in different markets and languages ​​to reflect this success on Twitter for people around the world.”

The service, which is constantly on the agenda with new features, here It managed to make a sound with the tests we included.
