What is good for burns and how is it treated? What can be done at home for burns?

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The basic principle in the treatment of burns is to cool the burn area and reduce the risk of infection. Additionally, a sterile bandage or clean clothing should be used to protect the burn area. However, if burns are severe or spread over a large area, it is important to seek medical attention immediately.

What is good for burns?

Burns are painful skin conditions characterized by pain, redness, swelling and even blisters on the skin. There are several natural and medical methods to speed up the healing process of burns and relieve pain. The answer to the question of what can be done at home for burns is as follows:

  • The first thing you need to do about what is good for burns at home is to immediately hold the burned area under cold water for at least 15-20 minutes.
  • Aloe vera can help speed up the healing process of the burned area.
  • Honey may reduce the risk of infection of the burned area.
  • Oatmeal can soothe the burned area and reduce itching.
  • One of the other things you can do at home on how to treat burns is to gently massage the burned area with pure cold-pressed olive oil.

I spilled boiling water on my hand, what should I do?

If boiling water is spilled on your hand and the burn is severe, you should first call 112. Call 911 if you have these symptoms:

  • severe pain
  • Whitening or darkening of the skin
  • bubble formation
  • Decreased mobility of your hand
  • Fire
  • dizziness
  • Nausea
  • Vomiting

The first thing you can do about what is good for hot water burns is to apply cold to the burn area. You can try methods such as keeping it under cold water or using a cold compress. For the question of what is good for hand burns, you can apply burn cream and dress it after applying cold water. Take care to keep the burn area and dressing clean. If bubbles form and collect water, never burst these bubbles.

What is good for blistered burns?

A blister burn is a type of burn characterized by the formation of fluid-filled sacs on the skin. Blistered burns can often be painful and uncomfortable. Some methods that are good for blistered burns are:

  • Applying cold compresses for at least 20 minutes
  • Keeping the area clean and dressed
  • Never bursting bubbles
  • If blisters burst on their own, keep the area clean and dry and apply a sterile dressing.

What is good for burn pain?

Here are some things you can do to relieve burn pain:

  • Wash the burn area with cold water or apply a cold compress for at least 20 minutes.
  • Wrap the burned area with a clean, damp cloth.
  • You can use painkillers to relieve burn pain.
  • You can apply aloe vera gel

How to get rid of burn scars?

While mild burns usually heal without leaving permanent scars, deeper burns can cause permanent scars on the skin. To heal a burn scar, do the following:

  • Practice proper wound care. Keep the burned area clean and dry, use antibiotic cream, do not scratch.
  • Protect the burned area from the sun and use sunscreen.
  • You can use scar creams to remove burn scars.
  • You can try natural methods such as aloe vera gel, vitamin E oil and honey.

This information is for informational purposes only. If you have a medical problem, please consult your doctor.
