This Tip Every Runner Needs to Know to Avoid Knee Pain

This Tip Every Runner Needs to Know to Avoid Knee

An injury happens quickly, especially when you don’t run often.

Running is one of the most popular sports for staying in shape. You can practice it whenever you want, wherever you want, and it works the whole body. Running helps strengthen the heart, activate blood circulation, lose weight in the long term and release endorphin, a hormone of happiness (like all physical activities). Running is also an excellent way to get into sport for beginners, no need to be an expert or take courses, you just need the right shoes and the will. There’s also no need to force yourself to run for a long time if you don’t have the capacity. A study published in 2015 showed that running for 5 to 10 minutes helped reduce cardiovascular disease and the risk of death from all causes.

However, running remains an intense sporting activity and an injury can quickly occur, particularly to the knee. The knee is a major joint in the body that powers the body’s pivot and flexion. Knee pain (gonalgia) is very quickly debilitating. You must therefore be careful when running to protect your knees by maintaining good joint mobility and gradually increasing the distance and intensity of the session. But that’s not all, there is also an essential prerequisite to avoid hurting your knees while running.

Of course, we always start by warming up before running. Then, and this is very important, we choose the ground on which we are going to run. To avoid knee pain, it is essential to run on soft ground such as dirt, grass or a stadium rather than on asphalt, which is much too hard on the joints. Shocks will thus be better absorbed and pain limited. This is the same reason why runners prefer shoes with cushioning soles. Now that you know this, all you have to do is put on your sneakers and take advantage of the sunny days to exercise!
