Turkish gaming industry reached up to 1.4 billion dollars

Turkish gaming industry reached up to 14 billion dollars

According to a recent statement, the Turkish gaming industry has reached up to 1.4 billion dollars.

Answering Bloomberght’s questions Gaming Istanbul Founding Partner Meric EryürekIn the Turkish gaming industry, the number of active players who spend money on games or in-game stores has reached 12 million, He said that the sector reached 1.4 billion dollars. Eryürek, “We say we have 36 million active players. This number includes everyone who has downloaded a game to their mobile phone, tablet or computer in the past. The number of active players who spend money on games or in-game stores is around 12 million players. “The number of professional e-sports players has reached 600.” made the statement. Meriç Eryürek also answered questions about the development of the market. “The global market size has reached approximately 180 billion dollars. The size of the Turkish game market exceeded an estimated 1.4 billion dollars. If we consider the sector on the investments side, we received investments of 424.7 million dollars in 2022. Last year, Istanbul became the second city in Europe, after London, where the most deals were made in the gaming industry. Istanbul ranks fifth in the global evaluation. “We think the upward growth trend will continue.” said.


Gaming Istanbul (GIST), one of the 8 largest international gaming and e-sports events in the world, will be held by Prof. in Yenikapı between 22 – 24 September 2023. Dr. It meets with game lovers at Kadir Topbaş Performance and Art Center. Gaming Istanbul, which will open its doors under the main sponsorship of Istanbul Metropolitan Municipality and its subsidiaries Medya A.Ş and OGEM, will host game tournaments, cosplay competitions, e-sports events, stands of gaming companies, new game launches and many other events. In Gaming Istanbul, where many surprises await the visitors, PC Game Pass will be given to 15 thousand visitors, and gamers will have the opportunity to experience many new games such as Cyberpunk 2077 Phantom Liberty.
