This is how you book the cheapest plane ticket, hotel and car

For many Swedes, there are tough times that put pressure on the wallet and personal finances. Inflation is especially felt in travel and hotels. In the last three years, transport services have, according to Statistics Sweden, increased by 17 percent. Package travel has become 23 percent more expensive, while the price rush is topped by hotels, where it now costs 41 percent more to check in.

But those who have the option of a later vacation this summer can save the increase.

– At the end of June and in July, prices are at their highest. Those who travel in Europe week 34 instead of week 27 can save 44 percent on the price, says Per Christiansen, travel expert at Momondo.

Flexibility can pay off

Package tours with travel agencies usually have a price list that is fixed for a certain time. But if you combine travel and accommodation yourself, you buy a service in a market where the price moves continuously, governed by supply and demand. It is reminiscent of trading on the stock exchange, the price can move quickly both up and down. And not all prices move in step.

– When it comes to how far in advance you have to book a ticket to get the lowest price possible, it varies between different destinations, says Flygresor’s CEO Mattias Nyman.

But just like in the stock market, there are certain rules of thumb to follow to avoid buying at the top. Whoever is flexible with dates has the best chance of making a good deal. Especially if you are out early. But there are bargains even closer to departure.

For a popular destination like Alicante, accidentally booking at the wrong time can be almost twice as expensive. In the video, you will see when it is best to take advantage of it to book flights, trains, hotels and rental cars.
